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7 tips to make an overseas move less stressful

Almost everyone has at least once moved houses, and they know how stressful that can get. Now imagine moving abroad; it gets ten times more stressful for various reasons, including the language barrier, different norms, new values, etc. Nevertheless, moving abroad will open up many new opportunities, depending on the country or even continent to which you might be moving. Thailand, for instance, is among the countries with the lowest unemployment rate (1.4%), while according to a report, Ireland is the best country to start a business, mostly due to the low corporate tax!

Now, you might be moving for a number of reasons, including a better life for your family, and while a new life abroad sounds daunting, you can prepare yourself for it and make your move less stressful. You might be stressing about whether or not you would be able to adapt to the new environment or whether you would be able to successfully move your entire family. All of these thoughts might agonize you. But no need to panic! We have listed seven tips to assist you throughout this journey.

1.     Find an ideal moving company

Packing your whole life and taking it with you overseas sounds very challenging, and it can be a huge hassle if you even consider DIY as far as logistics are concerned. Hence, hiring professionals well-versed in international moves must be a priority. A reliable and experienced moving company ensures you don’t have to go through all the problems associated with shipping belongings overseas. You can use keywords like International moving company near me to find expert movers in your city. Make sure you go through reviews and perhaps even talk to some ex-clients before making a decision.

2.     Essential Documentation

Without any doubt, this is the most important part of moving abroad. Any missing documents can create major hurdles in your move and even get you arrested once you reach your destination. Hence, you must collect and compile all your important documents beforehand to avoid any last-minute mishap. The most important documents that you are required to have are:

·       Visa

·       Work permit

·       Passport

·       Birth certificate

·       Medical records

·       Other important documents according to your personal needs, such as driver's license, tax records, pet vaccination certificates, etc.

3.     Make a financial plan

Of course, moving overseas can cost you an arm and a leg if you don’t plan your finances. First, create a budget outlining fixed expenses such as air tickets, shipping, and housing expenses. Once you’re done with this, make sure you also consider unexpected costs like shopping for necessities, repairs in your new home, etc.

After creating a budget, start saving the required amount at least three years prior to the moving date to decrease the chances of a financial crisis.

Saving is essential, along with allocating your finances in the right places. Avoid spending on luxury items; instead, spend on things you might require for the move.

4.     Start packing

This time, you’re not going on vacation; you’re actually moving to a new country! Hence, this step is perhaps the most crucial in all your DIY endeavors.

Firstly, make a list of the most important and sentimental belongings you do not want to leave behind. While doing this, sort out the stuff you do not want to take with you and keep that aside.

The next step will be to get rid of the stuff you do not need anymore, things like kitchenware and furniture that can cost you a lot when moving overseas. However, do not just throw away the stuff; you can sell these for extra money or could even donate. Decluttering and downsizing are a lot more complex than they sound, and there are many ways you can get rid of unwanted items. If you are unable to do this alone, invite more family members or friends over to help you out.

Make sure you use sturdy boxes to pack and label each box according to the contents and the rooms they are intended for. You can also buy these boxes from the moving company if they provide this service.

5.     Connect with new people

If you are moving abroad alone, it can get lonely, and you might be overwhelmed when you arrive in a completely new country. This is the best opportunity for you to start meeting new people and getting to know a culture that is new to you – although we recommend doing some research beforehand.

Having good friends in a new country will help you adjust quickly. They will show you around the local places and give you sound advice about adjusting to this new life.

If the cultural gap is too wide or there is a language barrier, you can meet your fellow expats. There are many online forums through which you can connect with them.

6.     Learn the local customs

This is among the most important aspects that can make moving less stressful. Every country has its own norms and culture, and if you are totally unaware of these, you will feel quite alienated. Therefore, you must study the social norms and etiquettes of the place you are moving to. Taking a language course before moving can do wonders for your social life abroad if you don’t speak the local language of the new country.

7.     Have a positive mindset

As cliché as it sounds, having a positive or negative mindset can majorly impact one’s mental health and, eventually the entire move. You must not doubt yourself in this life-changing event and always have an ‘I can do it!’ mindset.

Make sure that you are not burdening yourself with work. Take small steps, and don’t try to do it all in a jiffy. Just know this new part of your life is like a rollercoaster; it will have ups and downs. You do not have to worry much if things are not turning out the way you want them to – learn to improvise and be flexible. Slowly but steadily, it will all turn out in your best interests, so believe in yourself.


The hardest part of moving overseas is settling in a new place, mentally and physically. It is a novel environment with new people and the beginning of a life that might be completely different from the one you are accustomed to. Indeed, this new transition is stressful, but it does not have to be a misery. If you start preparing early and have a proper plan, this change in your life can be the best thing that has ever happened to you. Good luck!

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