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7 Tips to Help Your Clients Prepare for Their Move to a New Home

Many people are moving these days, whether their new home is within the city limits or across town. When preparing a person for a move, it's important to remember that they are going to have a lot of work to do and may be on their own for the first time. Mentioning and letting them know that they can call you anytime to discuss any problems or concerns is a good way to help them feel more secure and get over the initial shock of moving. In addition to making a list of all the things that need to be accomplished in order for the move to be successful, here are some tips which will be helpful throughout the process:

1.  Encourage Your Clients to Set a Moving Budget: 

It's great to help your clients budget for all their moving expenses, but the first step is to let them know that they have to budget for the move. There are numerous things that people tend to forget when planning a move, and anything which is left out can become a huge expense later on. If they are not careful, they could end up over budgeting or undershooting their moving needs and facing charges of being in arrears.

2. Ask Them to Create a Master Moving Calendar:

If your clients are going to do the same site relocation in the same month, they will want to start planning a few months in advance. When you're able to set up a master moving calendar for them, you'll be able to see when each room needs to be cleaned and organized or if any furniture or boxes will need to be moved. Your clients can easily create a calendar of all the tasks that need to be done, making it easier for them not only plan ahead but also keep track of what needs to be done during the move itself.

3. Advise Clients to Collect Boxes and Packing Materials:

If you know your clients well enough, you can also suggest that they contact local moving companies and ask for estimates. You could also mention that they should find out if any local charities or organizations will be offering moving services at a reduced fee, to help save on the costs of moving the items in addition to the actual labor itself. This can be an effective way to get everything your clients need at a reduced cost.

4. Remind Them to Declutter:

Obviously, your clients will want to keep their belongings, but if they have too many possessions for their new home and it does not have adequate space to store these items, they could be left with a lot of clutter. Since this is a new beginning for your clients and there will probably be some emotional stress as well as physical work involved in the move, providing them with tips on how to declutter and get rid of unwanted items can help them simplify and de-clutter their lives once they move into their new home.

5. Tell Your Clients to Pack Early and Efficiently:

It's important to make sure that your clients have a good plan in order to make the move more efficient. This means making sure that they get all of their boxes, furniture and supplies packed early before it becomes too late, since moving day is usually the only time that your clients will have to pack everything. If they don't get everything packed in time, they might find themselves buying or renting more boxes or doing additional damage while unpacking all of their belongings.

6. Recommend the Hiring of Professional Movers:

If your clients are not the types who enjoy doing tasks such as cleaning up and organizing their own home, it might be worthwhile to recommend that they hire a professional moving company to give them a hand. Your clients will not only be able to have everything moved into their new home in one day, but they will also be able to have someone else do all of the physical work for them.

7. Tell Them to Outsource a Post-Move Cleaning Service:

After everything is all moved in, your clients will still have a lot of work to do. This means that they will not only need to unpack, but they'll also have to de-clutter and clean up the house or apartment before they can settle down and relax. The best solution for this is to ask them to hire a professional post-move cleaning service. When these professionals finish their job, it'll be easier for your clients to unpack without worrying about having more cleaning or organizing chores afterwards.

Final Thoughts:

If you follow these tips for preparing your clients for the move, you'll be able to make the moving process much easier for them and help them settle into their new home. It's always a good idea to make sure that your clients know what they need to do and have everything in order so that they'll have the best experience possible moving from one home to another. That is some of what we looked at today, I thought you may have a good time and I hope so as well. I have to say that I like the idea presented above, it is an interesting way to make things easier for those who are moving around, and this will be a good start for all of you who want to make some extra money on the side.

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