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7 Reasons You Should Upgrade Your Transformer

With the rising application of electricity, there is a need to enhance the effective usage of power while managing voltage requirements. Your transformer must be in good working condition for power systems to function effectively. In fact, it is one of the essential home maintenance tasks you should never ignore.

This electrical device steps down or up the voltage and current levels, controlling the overall power flow. The transformer's main goal is to alter the incoming current voltage before transmitting it to the connected load. Here are some reasons why you should upgrade your old transformer and how you can benefit from the upgrade.

Improved Reliability

Home transformers significantly differ in their lifespan, age, and efficiency levels. As time goes by, your transformer can run into problems such as degraded insulation, loose connection, and oil or coolant issues.

As a result, you may encounter power quality problems, excessive harmonics, cooling issues, and other problems that may hinder the smooth working of the transformer. The problems that arise largely depend on the age and maintenance of the transformer. That's why upgrading your transformer and other electrical systems is advisable to make them more reliable and avoid power outages.

Decreased Cost of Maintenance

Due to technological advancements, newer transformers undergo a high-standard manufacturing process and consist of durable materials compared to older transformers. Old transformers require more maintenance because of the outdated materials and technology used to manufacture them. They frequently break down, require oil changes, and risk leaking due to aging gaskets, which increases the cost of maintenance. This can halt your home or business operations. Upgrading to a new transformer can help minimize breakdowns, saving you a lot of money.

Decreased Electricity Bills

As your transformer advances in age, energy losses increase as well. This can result in increased energy consumption problems as a larger part of incoming energy goes into heat losses. Newer transformer models have features that make them more energy-efficient, which lowers excess electricity consumption while reducing heat losses.

The U.S. Department of Energy has established guidelines that distribution transformer manufacturers need to comply with to meet energy conservation and efficiency standards. This means that all the transformer units manufactured from the day these guidelines were affected must adhere to the minimum energy efficiency values in the standard. If your transformer has been there for more than 15 years, it might be time to upgrade it to an energy-efficient model.

Avoid Downtime

Every single minute counts, whether at home or in business. Since old transformers face a high risk of sudden breakdowns and other electrical problems, your entire business operations can halt when you least expect. This can pose adverse effects on business productivity and efficiency. A new transformer upgrade can reverse this by creating a stable electrical network and power flow, which can increase productivity.

Reduced Environment Footprint

The current technological trends have seen a shift in the manufacturing of electrical devices to environmentally friendly options. The goal is to ensure that all the materials and technology used during the transformer manufacturing process cause less to no damage to the environment. The latest transformers, like tier 2 transformers, release less carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants, lowering the overall environmental footprint of your home or business.

Improved Efficiency

Another good reason to upgrade your power transformer is to make it more efficient. The efficiency of a transformer can be described as the intensity of power loss within this electrical device.

Older transformers often start to lose their effectiveness and efficiency as they get closer to the end of their lifespan. Other factors that affect the efficiency of a transformer include leakage of Flux, an existing heating effect in a coil, a heating effect resulting from induced eddy current, and the iron core's magnetization, among others.

Different types of transformers exist in the market today, with the full load efficiency of these power transformers ranging from 95% to 99%. A highly efficient transformer has nearly the same value as its input and output. While there are ways to boost a transformer's efficiency, like insulation and Flux coupling, the ultimate and long-lasting solution is to go for an upgrade.

Saving Money By Remanufacturing

A comprehensively remanufactured transformer offers greater security against unexpected failures. This can be an option if you are facing financial constraints to buy a new one. The process should involve total rewinding of the primary and secondary coils as well as low-voltage and high-voltage bus bars. While you can maintain the original core, ensure you replace it occasionally with modern, energy-efficient core materials.

Ensure that your remanufactured transformer meets all the standards laid out by the American National Standards Institute, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, and other relevant bodies. Keep in mind that if your transformer is not entirely refurbished, it can make your home or business vulnerable again. If the age of your transformer is over 30 years, it will pay off to upgrade to a brand-new one. 

It is crucial to have a reliable and robust electrical system, and a power transformer is part of that. While transformers are developed to last, they require occasional improvements and upgrades to remain highly efficient. If you are already experiencing issues with your old transformer, it will be best to give it an upgrade to the latest model. This will not only improve its efficiency and reliability but also help lower your maintenance cost and environmental footprint.

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