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7 Online Tools for Fast-Growing Businesses in 2022

The internet has revolutionized the way businesses operate. No matter what industry they’re based in, every successful company today uses some sort of online tool.

The sheer growth online tools enable your business to achieve is reason enough to want to incorporate them with your business.

Especially because every online tool is essentially based on similar concepts

They’re convenient, save time, are easy to use and implement and enable you to rapidly scale your business and its profits. They make running your business a smooth, frictionless process.  

Whether you’re a part of a digital marketing agency, a high-tech software firm, or even a classic brick-and-mortar, “mom-and-pops shop”, your business is capable of running far more effectively if it embraces online tools.

The internet isn't just the future of business, it’s the here and now. To help your business experience some of its benefits, we’ve highlighted some key online tools for your business.

Best tools for your business

If you’re looking to rapidly accelerate your business's growth, online tools are the most affordable and effective means.

Not only do they offer simple, relevant solutions, but they also offer great support and ongoing updates, upgrades, and integrations.

No matter what your business needs or size, you can guarantee in today's modern digital world, there is a solution to your unique needs. The list below includes some of the most popular and useful tools out there.

1. Wayleadr for effective parking management solution

Parking management is a concept most businesses don’t give a thought to until it becomes an active problem that then becomes a headache to try and fix.

Given the lack of urban spaces in the world and an ever-increasing human population (9 billion by 2045), having parking management solutions that manage your parking is essential. 

Remember, if you have physical premises, parking is the first point of contact for your employees as well as your customers. 

What is OCR? OCR isn't just shorthand for the Cardi B makes, it’s an incredibly useful software tool that’s used to extract text from scanned images or documents. With as many as 2 billion cars set to be on the road, having a dedicated system in place to organize and manage your parking lot is vital.  Employee satisfaction, morale, customer convenience, and safety are all direct benefits of this.

Eliminating hassle and reducing the time your employees spend finding parking is going to benefit your business far more than you might expect. 

A poorly managed parking lot can have an incredibly negative impact not only on your customer's mentality but on your staff as well.

2. Klippa for OCR tech to improve document scanning

OCR isn't just shorthand for the Cardi B makes, it’s an incredibly useful software tool that’s used to extract text from scanned images or documents. 

An acronym for Optical Character Recognition, if you work in a business that uses any kind of documentation, you’ll know exactly how valuable that can be. Especially when coupled with machine learning and the power of AI.

This tool is capable of accurately capturing data from receipts, business documents, and any other paperwork your business or bookkeeping team needs. The sheer amount of time that can be saved from this kind of convenience is invaluable.

Tedious, mundane, and emotionally draining tasks can and should be avoided wherever possible. 

Not only will embracing this kind of tech save your staff time and energy, but it can also lead to more productive and satisfied employees as well.

3. TravelPerk for fast-tracking travel 

Traveling for business can be an organizational nightmare. 

The sheer amount of details that go into a “simple” business trip can become unintelligible to all but the most astute business owners.

While managing your team's travel expenses may differ from trip to trip, location to location, there’s a lot to be said for an automation software that simplifies the process. Not only do they make traveling policies easy to understand and customize details, but they can be repurposed for other trips and are updated to be compliant from region to region.

Whether you’re traveling, locally, nationally, or internationally, having a plan is the best path to success. Utilizing a corporate travel policy template is going to ensure your business trips always get off to a smooth start.

4. TestGorilla for coding recruitment testing

Before you hire someone, you need to know what you’re getting. 

While interviews, experience, and qualifications are all good and well, the speed at which technology has developed over the years calls for a uniquely adaptable solution.

If you’re hiring someone who needs to not only have the skills of a coder, but the mind of one too, look no further. TestGorillas C Test coding algorithm is the perfect way to test entry-level coders. 

The foundational knowledge it takes to program in C is vital for an entry-level job in programming. TestGorillas easy to understand, 10-minute test is a great tool to screen your candidates and ascertain their skill level. 

Combining that test with cognitive ability tests will be able to help you identify potential candidates with, well, potential.

Pun intended

5. Hubspot for comprehensive CRM software

If you’re reading any list of quality online tools, you’re going to find Hubspot near the top of any list.

Not only is Hubspot an incredibly well-known brand, but it’s also one of the most comprehensive and powerful tools out there.

Not only does its Customer Relationship Management tool allow you to manage your relations with your customers through an intuitive interface, but it also provides a host of other features. Email campaign management, in-depth analytics, and marketing automation the list of HubSpot's capabilities are nearly endless.

Using Hubspot for your CRM allows you to store all your business contacts, and track the impact and effectiveness of your campaigns. It also comes with a dedicated customer support service.

Additionally, because Hubspot is so well known, it’s also capable of integrating with a variety of other platforms and tools. 

This means that if you’re looking to take a holistic approach to growing your business, Hubspot and its CRM should be at the center of your efforts.

6. Mailchimp for a dedicated email marketing tool

Email marketing is the most cost-effective form of marketing out there.

At this point, every quality marketer out there is using email marketing for a variety of reasons. With almost 7 billion email addresses in existence, it’s not hard to imagine why.

Email marketing campaigns are cheap, easy to understand, and implement. They offer a global reach that’s able to effectively penetrate regional internet access restrictions, social media limitations, and even online generational preferences.

Email is also checked regularly. An Adobe study found that adults in the US spend as many as 5 hours a day on average, simply checking their emails. That’s a massive market for your marketing campaign.

If your business plans on being successful online, a great email marketing tool is going to allow you to reap major benefits. MailChimp is a recognized brand leader when it comes to offering email marketing that's easy to use, intuitive to set up, and provides detailed analytics.

If you plan on going the eCommerce route, then an email marketing tool isn't just a useful tool, it’s a must.

7. Shopify for hosting an eCommerce website

Online shopping is the future of commerce. If you’re looking to grow, both in the long term as well as the short term, having an eCommerce platform is essential.

The sheer convenience of online shopping has made it an irresistible draw for modern consumers. eCommerce makes every purchase safe, eliminates the hustle and bustle of malls, and offers accurate home delivery -  within two days. Today, same-day delivery is becoming increasingly common.

eCommerce platforms allow you to build an online site that allows you to rapidly accelerate your business growth while integrating with various marketing and monitoring tools.

Shopify is the world's biggest and most popular eCommerce platform.

This enables it to offer you easy creation tools, and unique integrations for everything from marketing, visually appealing themes, customer service, SEO, and more.

Additionally, Spotify is uniquely aware of the impact an abandoned cart can have on your business and so offer various safe, secure methods of payment. As an online business, being versatile can be a major asset. Especially when it comes to eCommerce and offering your customers the kind of convenience that’s going to keep them coming back for more. 

ECommerce is the future, so why not use the tool that’s at the forefront of creating that future?

Final Thoughts

It may seem like accelerating your business's growth is going to be an exhaustive, technical and complicated process. This couldn't be further from the truth.

One of the things that makes an online tool so effective for fast-tracking a business's growth is that it simplifies things. They reduce the time spent on mundane tasks and act as cost-effective solutions that eliminate confusion.

It’s this key principle that this list has been constructed according to. Not only do most of these tools integrate with one another, but they’re generally easy to understand and use. 

Regardless of the industry you’re in or the size of your business, you stand to benefit. The software solutions that have been created and highlighted for you here have a lot to offer any business.

In an increasingly digitally based, post-pandemic world online tools can be the make-it-or-break-it factor that defines your business in the years to come. 

Successful, long-term growth is ultimately determined by a business's capability to adapt and change with the times. More than any technological innovation, it’s this quality that’s going to determine just how successful your business becomes.

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