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7 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Work

The Earth is slowly heating up, which is having a massive impact on the world we live in. That is a scientific fact. We often hear all about the major culprits - big coal, the oil industry, cars, planes, and boats. However, carbon emissions control comes down to the smallest link in the chain we call human civilization. Us. 

Each and every one of us has a carbon footprint that adds to the global warming issue. Join us as we go over several ways you can reduce your carbon footprint at work. 

1. Ride Share or Use Public Transport 

Modern cars are becoming increasingly efficient at reducing the amount of toxic gases they release into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, there’s still plenty of older generation cars that aren’t so efficient. 

One of the most impactful ways you can reduce your carbon footprint at work is to carpool with someone or use public transport. If every car was packed with four passengers, the overall carbon emissions would drop by a decent margin. Now imagine if every bus was packed? 

2. Be Frugal with your Energy Consumption 

We’ve become a society that is dependent on various devices, gadgets, and appliances to function. 

All of these require power to work. Choosing the right type of device can reduce how much energy you’re using on a daily basis. For example, a regular desktop computer consumes around 200 watts per hour on average. Compare that to 50-100Watts per hour that an average laptop needs, and the conclusion is obvious. 

3. Go LED 

The current way we organize work days has us sitting in the office well into the evening. Especially during the winter days. That being said, some offices have no access to natural lighting at all.

In both cases, you’ll need to use artificial light. The type of bulbs you choose can greatly reduce your carbon footprint. Environmental experts over at argue that going with LED bulbs is a much cleaner and eco-friendlier solution to artificial lighting. As a bonus, you also get to choose the temperature of the light you’re using. 

4. Use as Little Paper as you Can 

Long gone are the days when your average office was stacked with towering piles of paper. Most businesses have gone digital. Yet, there are still things we print on paper. By going over these, chances are you’ll find at least a few that would be comfortable in a digital form. Paper production is cutting down forests all over the world, forests we need to tackle the CO2 buildup. 

5. Dial-in the AC 

HVAC systems are essential for any office space. It’s difficult to work if you’re hot or cold. However, people often tend to overestimate just how much heat or cool air they need to feel comfortable. That wouldn’t be an issue if every degree of temperature you go above or below the room temp in your office didn’t cause a power consumption spike. 

6. Make your Office Space Green 

This tip goes out to all the business owners out there. The building your offices are has a massive impact on your carbon footprint. We’ve already mentioned how HVAC draws a lot of power in order to heat up or cool down office space. 

Making sure that that heat or cool air isn’t escaping through windows that aren’t sealing properly, or walls that have no heat insulation, is key. 

7. Recycle 

Although recycling isn’t all that it was hyped up to be just a few decades ago, it’s still a great way of reducing the carbon footprint. Educate your employees or colleagues about recycling and make small recycling stations all around the office. 

If you can get your coworkers to recycle paper they use and disposable plastic containers, you’re off to a great start. 

Every Bit Helps 

Most people have this feeling that nothing they do helps. How can one person make a dent in the overall global warming situation if major shipping companies still burn the dirtiest fuel out in the international waters? As it turns out every bit of effort helps. 

Solving global warming is a team game that requires everyone to work together and pitch in. If you can make your office greener, you’re already putting a dent in the overall problem. More importantly, others will see what you’re doing and follow suit. Be an example for people around you. 

If every or every other person did as much, global warming would be slowed down significantly. Don’t worry about the major players. They will fall in line through international pressure. All you should think about is how you can help make the change! 

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