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5 Ways To Get Over A Cold

When you wake up with a cold, it’s always the last thing you want. Everyone is so busy and has so much to do that a cold is a huge inconvenience, not to mention you will feel unwell along with it. In order to get over a cold as quickly as possible, there are some things you can do that will help you get back to normal. We’ve listed some that you can easily try.


Although it may not actually be something you want to do, resting – ideally in bed – is one of the best ways to get over your cold quickly. When you’re sick, your body has to work hard so that it can fight off the infection and make you well again. If you are battling on and trying to work or help out around the house, your body’s defenses will be low, and the energy that could be used to make you well is being used for other things. The more you can rest and do nothing, the quicker your body can heal you. 


If you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system won’t be able to work at its best, and getting over a cold will take a lot longer. This is why resting in bed is a good idea as you can sleep whenever you need to, but if you can’t do that or don’t want to, then going to bed early is the next best thing. Of course, sometimes, when you have a cold, it is difficult to actually get to sleep as you feel blocked up and uncomfortable. If this is the case, try using an extra pillow so that your head is raised, and you should find you can breathe more easily with less pressure on your sinuses. 

Stop Smoking 

Many smokers find that they feel worse when they smoke during a cold. This is because your olfactory nerves are impacted and inflamed when you have a cold, and when you smoke in that condition, the nerves can become even more irritated. Plus, the cigarette will often taste strange. All combined, this can make you feel a lot worse than you already do and slow the healing process down. 


When you have a cold, it is vital that you drink plenty of fluids. Getting enough fluids helps to thin the mucus that is causing you so much discomfort and congestion. Plus, it prevents headaches and exhaustion (which are often down to dehydration rather than the cold itself). Stick to water if you can, and try to avoid soda, alcohol, or drinks containing caffeine, as these can dehydrate you even more. If avoiding alcohol proves to be difficult for you, even if you know it’s good for your health, it might be time to get some help from experts such as those at Serenity At Summit; be honest with yourself about your potential issue. 


A spoonful of honey taken either by itself or stirred into lemon water or decaffeinated tea before bedtime can really make a difference. It coats the throat and soothes your cough, and can even help you to sleep more peacefully, aiding the healing process in general.

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