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5 tips for improving your brand’s presence on Instagram

In these times, people are connected more than ever before, and social media represents a massive bridge that connects them. Next to providing individual connections, social networks have also linked people to the businesses and brands that offer products and services that they might find interesting or necessary. This is why it doesn't surprise that companies and brands utilized Instagram as a platform for their marketing success. However, Instagram trends and ideas are constantly changing and evolving, and it isn't always easy to make the best use of them and achieve optimal reach. That is why we are here to share some useful tips with you! Here are five of them for improving your brand's presence on Instagram.

Make sure you have a niche

There are many niches on Instagram, over a thousand of them. To ensure grabbing the attention of your target audience, you should have one for your business. It is better to be a specific one because you will filter out the followers that won't show interest in your brand. Having 100 followers who will enthusiastically interact with your content and use your products or services is more valuable than 10,000 with low or no interest in your business. Having a niche is also very helpful when using something like Growthoid, an Instagram growth agency, if you want to increase your Instagram followers, since they will use this information to target and engage with users on your behalf. With high engagement, you will be portrayed by your audience as attractive and successful in what you do. Therefore, stick to your niche, don't go too broad (otherwise, the audience may lose interest if you do it too often), and you will see great results.

Make use of hashtags

First and foremost – use hashtags. They are a very powerful tool that can be beneficial for your brand in many ways. Posts with good hashtags can reach your target audience, attract numerous new followers for your business, increase their engagement, and bolster a more recognizable image of your brand. Hashtags are considered the best way to get followers and be seen, especially in your preferred niche. Research has discovered that posts with 11 or more hashtags contribute to achieving more engagement. Even more importantly, well-chosen hashtags can be a great wind in your sails. Try to select those that have enough audience following it while staying in the sphere of your niche. You can also create your own campaign hashtags, further strengthening the creation of your brand's image and this will help you get more followers on Instagram.

Post conistently

You should pay attention to this tip because it is of essential value. If you publish consistently, your audience will get used to your posts, expect it, and engage much more. Most brands follow this tip, and by some studies, they averagely post 1.5 posts per day. Interestingly, even if you post more than twice a day, you won't damage your engagement. However, if you don't post frequently, your business will quickly get buried under the posts of others since your followers also follow many other people and brands. Next to frequent publishing, you should also keep an eye on choosing the best time to do it. The optimal time to post is around 11 AM, while the best days to do it are Wednesday and Friday. Therefore keep your best content for these days.

Engage as much as you can

To make sure your brand is distinguishable and noticed, you should engage with your audience. Don't just hold monologue, create a dialogue with your audience. Ask for their opinion, answer their questions, be what this platform is – social. The best way to this is by starting a conversation through your Instagram stories. Use question stickers, quiz stickers, polls, emoji slides. Along with activating your audience, you will get a lot of invaluable feedback. Additionally, search for bloggers, partners, and influencers in your industry, follow them, and engage with their content. Most of them will do the same with yours. It’s also helpful to view private Instagram accounts for content ideas.

Use captions for SEO

Captions provide an explanation or description of the image. But, next to their primary purpose, they can serve you very well to optimize your Instagram SEO. Search engine optimization is of great importance on Instagram, now probably more than ever so you better ask for help from charleston seo firm. That's why you should make the best use of descriptive captions. Currently, Instagram offers search results only for a limited number of keywords and only for the search of posts (not stories, Reels, etc.). Over time, this will grow much further, and understanding Instagram SEO in its early stages can give you an advantage over your competition, and this will help you to get more followers for Instagram. Instagram provides search results to its users based on the account's name, username, bio, and the captions written in the posts of its feed. Therefore, write captions that contain keywords that users write in their search bar, as it will increase your chances to be found by your target audience. Just ensure your caption matches your brand.

If you combine the tips we provided, you are sure to see promising results for the promotion of your business. Rules of the marketing game on Instagram are constantly changing, so make sure you keep an eye on them to maintain a successful campaign.

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