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5 Skin Abnormalities You Should Never Ignore

Some skin abnormalities are completely harmless. However, others can be symptoms of something more dangerous. Below are 5 skin abnormalities you should never ignore. 

Unusual moles

Skin cancer often takes the form of small blotches on the skin called melanomas. These are sometimes mistaken for moles, however there are a few important differences. While moles can grow, moles will generally not change shape, get darker or start weeping. Moles are also typically round and smooth, whereas melanomas are more likely to have an uneven or scaly appearance made up of different colors. All in all, if a mole doesn’t look right, it’s worth seeing a doctor. Skin cancer is one of the easiest cancers to treat, but it needs to be caught early to reduce the risk of it spreading. You can check out more information here on the symptoms of cancer to determine whether your mole could be a concern.

Sunburn blisters

Sunburn typically only causes a rash and peeling. However, severe sunburn can result in blisters. Not only are these painful and unsightly, but they can be quite serious if not treated properly - such blisters are a sign of second degree burning and can carry a greater risk of turning into skin cancer or getting infected. It’s important to leave blisters alone and avoid further contact with the sun until they’ve healed. If a blister is taking a while to heal or is getting more painful, see a doctor. 

Red swollen patches

Read swollen patches of skin can be a sign of cellulitis, which is a form of skin infection. These typically occur on areas of skin where there is a wound that has become infected with bacteria. Cellulitis can usually be cleared up with a dose of antibiotics, but this needs to be prescribed by a doctor. Ignoring cellulitis could cause the infection to spread and become more dangerous - although cellulitis can go away on its own, there are other cases where it can end up affecting organs and result in hospitalisation. 

Cysts and boils

Cysts and boils both take the form of bumps on the skin that are typically filled with fluid. Neither should be ignored as they can be dangerous. Boils are typically the most dangerous as they are a form of infection and they can quickly spread to other parts of the body. Cysts are not always caused by infection and can be harmless, but are still worth getting checked out just in case - although rare, some cysts can be a form of cancer.

Yellow skin and eyes

If you’ve developed a yellowish tint to your skin and eyes, it could be important to see a doctor immediately. This condition is known as jaundice and it can be a sign of liver failure. Jaundice is often accompanied by abdominal pain or fever-like symptoms. Urine and stools may also change color. That said, these symptoms may not always present themselves straight away. Getting a professional medical opinion is the best solution. 

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