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5 Signs You Need To Change Your AC Filter

AC air filter maintenance is easy to overlook. However, replacing your filter is one of the simplest routine maintenance. It can also help your home's heating and cooling system function efficiently and last longer and prevent costly air conditioning repair concerns. In addition to regular filter cleaning, you should be aware of the five most classic signs that an AC filter needs to be changed. But first, if you do not have a filter, you can purchase one from a residential air filter supplier or have a custom AC filter made.

1. Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality is a sign that your AC air filter needs replacement. If you notice strange odours emanating from your heating or cooling vents, it may be time to replace the filter. If you've also been suffering from breathing difficulties or allergies, it may be directly attributable to poor air quality.

When your filter is blocked with dust and grime, it can be more challenging for your HVAC system to perform its function. Consider your HVAC system as a clogged straw. If you were to drink through a clogged straw, you would not receive a pleasing beverage. Likewise, the same holds true for your HVAC system. If the filter is dirty, it inhibits airflow, making it more difficult for your home's heating or cooling system to perform its function. Additionally, dirty filters promote the growth of germs, which can have a negative impact on indoor air quality.

Another cause of poor indoor air quality is the use of the wrong AC air filter size for your HVAC system. Consequently, some air particles may not be filtered out. Yes, it is important that you perform routine cleaning and changing of your filters, but also make sure you use the right AC air filter size.

2. The Rear Of Your AC Unit Is Excessively Hot.

A filter clogged with particles will increase the air conditioner's engine power consumption. Once this occurs, it can generate heat and cause the rear of your unit to become excessively hot. You may find that the air inside your home feels warm despite the presence of an air conditioner. You can end up sweating because your cooling system isn't functioning correctly.

If your device consistently overheats, its lifespan will be significantly reduced. AC efficiency may not be remedied by service fixes, as filthy filters within the unit may be the root of the problem. Try to find the most dependable AC repair in Redlands, CA. If your AC unit is overheating consistently, it might require an inspection or fix.

3. Elevated Electricity Bill

Has your electricity bill increased without the electrical company increasing its rates? It could be because your home's air conditioning system is working harder to maintain the desired temperature. The process consumes more energy. Then, you pay for energy that is wasted. An easy solution to this issue is to regularly inspect, clean, or replace your AC air filter as needed.

4. When An AC's Condenser Coils Are Dirty

The AC condenser coils should not have a thick layer of dust or grime. Routine cleaning of your air conditioner's dust and grime will aid in its operation. If your AC condenser is significantly clogged with dirt and dust, you may choose to have it professionally cleaned. Alternatively, you might choose to clean it yourself. Regular cleaning will maintain the air conditioner's efficiency, and you can choose to replace the filter every month. If you choose to clean the coils manually, turn off the power supply before using a low-pressure water sprayer with a delicate brush to clean the coils.

5. When Your Home's Humidity Drops

When your air conditioner is malfunctioning, the air it circulates around your home is drier than normal. To cool or heat your home, the air conditioner must pull in vast quantities of air via its filter. Because this system typically employs evaporative cooling, the only way to eliminate the humidity it absorbs is to filter it out. Consequently, your home will have less humidity than usual, which can make it feel more pleasant (because dry air is naturally more comfortable than moist air). But if there is nothing to retain that humidity in your home, relative humidity levels will continue to drop. In short, a significantly low humidity level is a sign your AC air filter needs to be changed.


Now you know that regular filter replacement will improve the performance of your HVAC system. You can easily replace your filters by removing them from their housing and inserting new ones. However, if you need assistance changing your AC air filter, you can contact us at Custom Filters Direct or a company that specializes in air conditioning systems.

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