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5 Signs You Might Need a Hearing Test

Hearing loss isn’t only something that affects older people. It’s more common than you might think, and there are plenty of short-term and long-term solutions. It’s always worth having a checkup if you think you’re having difficulties hearing, particularly when there’s loud background noise, or on the phone. Perhaps someone you know is always asking you to repeat yourself and they might need a hearing test. Here are five signs you might need a hearing test. 

You keep asking people to repeat themselves

If you’re frequently asking people to repeat yourself then an audiometry test might be a good idea for you. It might sometimes be selective hearing, but if you’re really paying attention and still find yourself asking people to repeat what they said then you might benefit from a hearing test. Your friends and family will probably be grateful for not having to keep repeating themselves. 

You have trouble understanding on the phone

If you’re having trouble understanding on the phone, then it might be a good idea to have a hearing checkup. It could be that you have blocked ears or the early signs of hearing loss. It’s advisable to get medical advice if you’re concerned. It’s more difficult to understand on the phone in general, because you can’t see the person’s body language and there are no facial expressions to go by, this is why it’s a good idea to try and find a solution to the problem.

You have the TV volume unusually high

If your friends and family are complaining your TV is too loud, then you probably should have your hearing checked. Higher volumes can be dangerous, not to mention frustrating for your neighbors. You might end up getting complaints when you didn’t even realize it was loud. You shouldn’t need it at a higher volume than normal, so this could be a sign you need a hearing test. 

You struggle to hear when there’s background noise

It’s normal to struggle with hearing when there’s background noise, but if this a typical problem for you you might benefit from a hearing test. For example, if you’re constantly asking people to raise their voices in a crowded environment, then you probably should have your hearing tested. You might easily be able to find a solution to the problem. 

You frequently misinterpret what people say

If you’re misunderstanding what people say all the time, then you could try having a hearing test. Otherwise, you’ll often misinterpret what people are saying which could be problematic. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry, and your personal relationships could benefit. If you’re concerned you don’t properly understand your friends and family, then it’s a good idea to get a hearing test. 

If you feel your hearing isn’t as good as it used to be, or you’re struggling to keep up with certain conversations, consider getting your hearing tested. It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed about. Your doctor will be able to recommend the best solution for you.  

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