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5 Real Estate Marketing Ideas

If you are a real estate agent, marketing can play a large role in how successful you are as you grow and develop within the industry. This is particularly true in today’s fiercely competitive online landscape where companies are clued up on the best website design as well as unique and fun marketing ideas that pull in prospective homeowners and boost their reputation within their chosen niche. If you are on the hunt for real estate marketing ideas, continue reading to find out everything you need to know. 

1.     Design and launch a website

According to Estate Agent Website Design company, in order to market yourself to your intended target audience on a global scale, a website is no longer an option but a necessity. It can allow you to cement your position and ensure you are taken seriously whether you are an experienced or inexperienced real estate agent. If you are unfamiliar with the process of designing and launching a website, however, it can be impossible to know where to begin. To gain inspiration, research examples of successful websites on the internet and keep an eye on any emerging trends, tips, and tricks. It may also benefit you to focus on both aesthetics and functionality, as well as a reliable web hosting platform, to produce a website that is both pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate.

2.     Hire a professional photographer 

If you have the budget to do so, it may also be a great idea to hire a professional photographer. If you have been in the business for a number of years, you will be aware of how important professional photography is in the real estate world. It can ensure your images are of the highest quality and allow you to stand out from the crowd when pitted against your competitors. The need for a professional photographer is only exacerbated when you consider how many homeowners browse listings based on photography alone. It must be not only eye-catching but striking enough to stop them in their tracks and encourage them to find out more. 

3.     Film video walkthroughs 

If you are a dab hand with a camera, video walkthroughs can be a great way to provide an all-inclusive view of a property from the inside out. If you are a homeowner, for example, you must feel as if you are walking through the property room by room from the comfort of your own home. This can be done in a number of ways and can range from smartphone footage to a video professionally shot with a drone. This can allow you to build a sense of transparency between you and your clients and be confident that they are unlikely to be shocked or disappointed when they take time out of their busy schedule to view the property in person.  If the idea of using video walkthroughs or explainer videos interests you, the prices can interest you as well. You can do location-based research on Google and find quality blogs and informative articles about how to find a good agency for video production, learn how to choose the best of them, and get a list of explainer video pricing.

4.     Expand your social media presence 

In recent years, social media has taken the world by storm both personally and professionally. If you are familiar with maintaining a social media presence outside of normal working hours, it may also be time to capitalise on its wide-reaching potential at work. Instagram, for example, has proven to be a wildly successful tool when it comes to generating hype and driving engagement and traffic in a matter of seconds. This is especially helpful considering real estate is such a visual industry with photography often the difference between a homeowner finding out more and continuing their search for their forever home elsewhere. If you are unsure of where to start, an Instagram profile should be the first stop on your journey towards expanding your social media presence. It may also be worth taking advantage of hashtags and their ability to match you with like-minded individuals and prospective clients in one quick click. 

5.     Reach out to relevant influencers and content creators 

As an aspiring real estate agent, it's important to seek guidance and mentorship from seasoned professionals in the industry. By reaching out to experienced real estate agents, you not only have the opportunity to sharpen your skills and develop new techniques, but you also open the door to potential marketing opportunities. Collaborating with established agents like Reed Pirain can lead to valuable networking connections, referral business, and exposure to a wider audience. Plus, learning from the successes (and failures) of those who have been in the industry for years can provide invaluable insights and wisdom that will help you grow both personally and professionally.

In the past decade, influencers and content creators have taken the world by storm and are now some of the most important and authoritative figures on the internet when it comes to buying and selling. If you are an inexperienced real estate agent or are limited by a small budget, reaching out to relevant influencers and content creators can be a cost-effective way to promote your services to your intended target audience on a global scale and boost your reputation within your geographical boundary. It can also be a great way to expose your portfolio to hundreds, or even thousands, of clients in a fraction of the time it would take for you to build up a sizable audience offline. 

If you are a real estate agent, you will be familiar with the importance of marketing in today’s digital landscape. If you are struggling for ideas, however, it may benefit you to design and launch a website, hire a professional photographer, film video walkthroughs, expand your social media presence, and reach out to relevant influencers and content creators.

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