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5 Major Benefits of Smart Home Technology

Within the increasingly popular 'Internet of Things' smart home technology allows people to control their entire house with just a touch of a button, alongside being able to control appliances, heating, lighting and more from your laptop or smartphone.

The rise of smart home technology has created a plethora of benefits to help the modern-day lifestyle become much easier. Read on for 5 major benefits these advancements in technology have made possible.

Remote Control

The ability to control your appliances and heating from an app on your smartphone is a fantastic addition to any home, as you can turn the heating up when you know you're going to come home in chilly weather or switch it down at night if it's summer and you don't need heat.

Additionally, with smart home technology in place within your home, whether at work or on holiday you can turn the heating up from your phone to save money and reduce energy bills.


The safety of your home is a major concern for many people, as they worry about burglars breaking into their property and stealing their belongings. This is where smart home technology really comes in handy, as with wireless door access control systems, you can conveniently monitor who is at your door using your phone, and decide whether or not to allow them entry.

This type of technology is much more advanced than traditional security features that were present in homes previously, as cameras mounted on the outside of buildings only allowed people within the property itself to see what was happening near them.

A smart home security system offers homeowners the ability to track and monitor their property from anywhere in the world, giving them peace of mind that they can see what's happening at their property regardless of where they are.

Flood Sensor/Leak Detection

One of the most unfortunate things that can happen in a home is a leak or flood, and this is something that many people worry about. However, with smart technology within your home, you'll be notified immediately if there is any leakage or flooding which can help to minimize damage and protect your belongings. This piece of technology will save homeowners from unforeseen costs and hassle which can be caused by a flood or leak.

Gas/CO2 Leak Detection

Another unfortunate event that could happen within a home, which is now becoming much easier to detect thanks to smart technology, is the presence of dangerous gas leaks. These can be fatal if not detected quickly enough and with traditional security features, people would have no idea they were there until it was too late. However, with the implementation of special sensors within homes with smart home technology, people will be able to detect gas leaks from dangerous CO2 and methane which can help them to know when it is time to leave their property quickly.

Even if you are not at the property during the time of the leak, it can be detected and you can call necessary services immediately.

Voice Control

Instead of having to press multiple buttons on your smartphone or laptop, you can instead use voice control software that allows you to tell your smart-home system what to do. This is a great feature for those who don't like pressing buttons and want their appliance to respond immediately to them, rather than having to wait around and press multiple times before it responds.

Wellness Checks

Many people worry about their loved ones and how they're doing when they're away. With the help of smart technology, you can now keep an eye on them without needing to be physically present.

This is an attractive feature for the elderly as it allows them to maintain a sense of independence all while knowing that at just a touch of a button they can be assisted if necessary.


Controlling your lighting from your phone will not only improve the aesthetic of your home but also helps you to get creative about how you use light in rooms for different situations.

Lighting is vital for creating different atmospheres in rooms, as well as highlighting your surroundings. For example, you would use a warm light when trying to relax and a bright light when entertaining guests.

Having smart technology for your interior and exterior lights can also be an added safety feature. By giving you the ability to control them from your phone, lighting around your home can help you see what's going on outside or inside when it's dark.

The future of smart home technology looks bright, as the advancements within this field continue to make lives easier for people today. As well as these 5 major benefits, there are also a lot of other features that smart home technology has to offer, including monitoring air quality and tracking the amount of water you're using.

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