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5 Gifts of Growing up With Divorced Parents

Arguments, lack of communication and disagreements, are not uncommon even in the case of couples that start off just perfectly. However, with time partners might find out more about the other person, and it might not be all sunshine and rainbows. Because of that, often, the only reason why such couples stay together is their child. Parents don't want to hurt kids with grown ups’ problems.

According to the American Psychological Association, "about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce".

Making the decision isn’t easy, but no one wants to live in an unhealthy or even toxic relationship - without perspectives for personal-development, healthy mind, and without love.

Getting through a divorce might seem like hell, usually with a fair bit of finger-pointing, angry words, and a large dose of emptiness..

If you are in such a situation and need some advice, you can find it on

Once the ordeal is over, the kids may feel lost, anxious, and confused. It can be a challenging time for them, but there is a bright side to this. Thinking about the positives might be difficult, but we promise that there is also some silver lining.

No More Fights

Kids' mental health can deteriorate easily. A daily dose of arguments, fights, and even domestic violence leave a mark on children and can be a big problem in future life.

They often notice arguments even if they don't hear them.

Thankfully, when the divorce is finally over, children won’t have to worry about the frequent shouting and tears anymore.

Lack of parents’ fights will have an incredible impact on a child, and with time they will start to regain their mental strength. Children will understand how important it is to talk and listen to each other and avoid pointless fights that can ruin their relationship with another person.

Bigger Family

After the parents' divorce, the child may feel lonely. But it's not the end of the world, and parents are likely to try to start a new chapter with other people.

If you are an only child, stepfamily can be a blessing for you. With time you’ll hopefully get closer to them. And, after all, extra family members means more people with whom you’ll be able to talk and play!

It's a valuable life lesson to see parents happy again. It will help you understand each other better. They also have their own fears, needs, and dreams!

Imagine spending Christmas or holidays together with a vast and happy family together - and more Christmas presents!

Better Life

There is no rule that a happy family means married parents living in the same house with their kids.

Things that children need are unconditional love, support, and safety. All of this can be provided by a healthy relationship, even with another man or woman.

With mom and dad living separately with their families, there are still excellent opportunities to create positive memories.

Everyone will deal with this new situation, emotions, and changes at their own pace. Everything will settle with support and most importantly - with love.

The Power of Independence

Life doesn't end with one tragedy - in this case - a divorce.

With time, kids will learn new skills, gain new interests, and develop previously unrevealed parts of their personalities.

Being single is not always bad - children will understand that boyfriends and girlfriends are not the most important thing. Sometimes it’s better to take things slowly, perhaps to become best friends first and maybe then - decide to start a healthy relationship with someone who they truly love.

After a divorce, it's easier to notice the problems of others. Kids will know how to get through the pain and traumatic situations. Because of that, they might be able to support their friends with similar problems later on.

A divorce can also make children more responsible and independent in daily life. They will want to avoid the same problems, knowing how they can affect people. It's a valuable lesson that can create a better person.

A New Beginning

After divorce, it's time to rediscover yourself. Who you are, what do you like, and what you can improve on.

Adopt a proactive mindset - make proactive choices, take control of situations, and prepare for them ahead of time.

It's your time to reconsider your life. Follow those steps to be happy:

  • Develop your well-being - mental, emotional, and psychical health is essential to have a great life.

  • Don't judge yourself - instead of that, think about how you can change bad habits not to feel insecure.

  • Release your stress - don't start arguments without reason because you feel angry. Consider working out, yoga, or meditation. It's beneficial for mental health.

Here you can find how sport helps during a hard time.

  • Take care of your relationships - surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of toxic individuals from your life. You don't need 'friends' who have a bad influence on your mental health. Even one best friend can make your life better.

  • Focus on your hobbies - read a book, play on the instrument, sing, dance - do whatever makes you happy and satisfied. Improve yourself in any field to forget about negativity, and enjoy every success that you have achieved.

In Conclusion

Everyone will feel different after a divorce, though feeling depressed, lonely, or even guilty wouldn’t be surprising.

It's normal to have bad thoughts caused by unpleasant times in life. But you can't give up, because of every bad situation.

Everything in life has a meaning and positive sides. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You have to remember that your parents love you and will support you no matter what they feel to each other.

Learn how to deal with problems with peace. Become your best friend, not the enemy - think of your needs and dreams. You are important, and your life matters. Focus on your mental health and relationships.

Don't forget to thrive and enjoy your life, even if at times, the situation might seem hopeless. It won’t last forever.

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