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5 Essential Self-Care Practices Everyone Should Know

In the past year or so, the term “self-care” has started to float around more and more, evolving into a number of different definitions, all increasingly beyond our reach. While some people believe self-care to mean expensive spa days, others think it’s all about travel and retreats, but the truth is that it’s anything that helps to improve our health, prevent health problems, and generally help us to feel good. With that in mind, here are six essential self-care practices you should know and make time for.

Get A Good Night’s Rest

It’s impossible to feel your best when you’re running on little sleep. You feel agitated, irritable, emotional, and, most of all, completely exhausted. Because of this, it’s crucial that you do what you can to ensure you get a good night’s rest every single night. There are a number of different ideas you can try to help boost your sleep, including sticking to a bedtime routine, keeping your room cool and dark, and staying away from caffeine and technology a few hours before bed.

Ensure You Eat Delicious Foods

With life becoming more and more busy, eating has started to become less and less of a priority. We fit it in and around what we’re already doing, instead of taking a break and sitting down to eat. We also opt for snack foods and quick meals, instead of taking the time to cook something nourishing and truly delicious. You wouldn’t continue working while having dinner with a friend, so don't do it when you’re eating alone.

Give Your Mind A Workout

Everyone knows the value of working out your body, but if you want to prevent memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases, like dementia and Alzheimer’s, then you need to work out your mind too. This could mean playing challenging games, like Sudoku and chess, or continuing education, by taking an online course, like a masters in clinical mental health counseling. Physical exercise also helps, by boosting blood flow to the brain.

Do Something You Genuinely Enjoy

We live in a world full of stress, so make sure that you do what you can to combat this stress by taking part in activities you genuinely enjoy. No matter how busy you are, there’s always a bit of time to do something you love, whether that’s reading a chapter of a book, knitting a jumper, baking a cake, or learning a language. You should also make sure that you spend time with those you love, even if you can only manage a quick phone call.

Say No Now And Then

When you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, it’s important that you’re honest with those around you and let them know how you’re feeling, whether those people include your partner, your family, your friends, your colleagues, or your boss. If someone asks you to do something, and you don’t have the time or energy to do it, then make sure you tell them that. They’ll be much happier that you were honest, and now can help you carry the load.  

Self-care isn’t just important, it’s essential, so make sure you remember and make time for the practices above.




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