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4 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy During a Pandemic

We are currently in the midst of a global pandemic that has killed millions of people worldwide. The virus that caused all of this, a novel coronavirus, has swept the entire world and devastated millions of lives. A first lockdown was imposed, and a reduction in cases was seen. Within months, cases began to skyrocket again, and a second lockdown is on the horizon. The responsibility for cases tripling again lies with the people who did not follow proper social distancing measures and rules implemented by their governments to prevent the spread of infections. 

This page will tell you how you can stay safe and healthy during a pandemic and not risk your life or your families. It is absolutely critical that you follow the instructions put forward in this guide so you can preserve your own life and the lives of those around you. Here is how to stay safe and healthy during a pandemic.

UV Shoe Cleansers

UV shoe cleansing devices have quickly become one of the primary preventative methods employed to kill viruses and infections in healthcare institutions. If you are a doctor, a nurse, or a healthcare provider, you should already know your shoes are among the most potent transmission vectors. UV shoe cleansers should be implemented to prevent hai transmission throughout your healthcare facility. 

If you do not have UV shoe cleansing devices, you risk transporting millions of pathogens around and potentially infecting patients already sick with other diseases or illnesses. In combination with other social distancing measures, a UV shoe cleaner is a great way to ensure your patients and staff do not fall sick or become victims of any viruses or infections. 

PPE (personal protective equipment)

If you are not a healthcare worker, but just an ordinary person, it is essential that you wear the same PPE (personal protective equipment) as a healthcare worker might. With an exception, of course, of hazmat suits. With that in mind, healthcare workers can find a hazmat suit for sale here. Personal protective equipment is one of the frontline measures implemented to prevent the spread of any viruses or infections. It is at the forefront of defeating the virus that was the catalyst for this pandemic. PPE can be used by anybody of all ages and should be worn anytime you go out and go somewhere where you may come into contact with people. It is also important that you contact hazmat removal companies and hazardous waste removal companies rather than removing them yourself.

There are two main types of PPE:

Face Masks

Facemasks were initially, by many western governments, suggested to be useless and have no effect whatsoever on preventing viral transmission. After studies in the far East, where their use was already widespread (Korea, Japan), proved that the masks did have a great effect and could prevent viral transmission, Western governments quickly backtracked and recommended their use. Because of this, you absolutely must wear a facemask whenever you come into close quarters with anybody else, and you must ensure that they wear them too. Masks are a highly effective and excellent preventative measure anybody can put in place.

Protective Gloves

Gloves, unlike masks, were known to be powerful in preventing viral transmission from the very start, and combined, are a brilliant way to avoid infection. Viruses can, when you touch an infected surface, thrive on the porous surfaces of your skin. When you touch your nose, eyes, or mouth, the viruses can jump and infect you through your respiratory system. If you wear gloves and masks (and do not touch your face), the viruses will not be able to infect your skin, nor will they be able to get into your respiratory system. AN option use are Unigloves.

Antiseptic Hand Gel

Antiseptic hand gel is another very potent method of preventing infection and one that is being widely recommended by governments all across the world. Pharmaceutical companies have been at the forefront of development and have produced antiseptic hand gel that kills the virus, causing this current pandemic. Even if you have gloves, you should bring antiseptic hand gel everywhere you go, and you should regularly disinfect your hands so that you can be sure you have not unwillingly become a mode of transport for the virus.

Social Distancing

Social distancing, when combined with all of the other measures, is a very powerful method of preventing viral transmission. Social distancing regulations imposed by many governments states a person must be no less than two meters away from another – by maintaining this distance, you save your and other peoples’ lives. 

Now, with the help of this page, you can effectively stay safe while outside during these troubling times. Keep up with currently recommended restrictions, use appropriate disinfecting methods, wear PPE, and maintain the social distance. It is important you uphold all of the measures suggested here so that you can emerge from the other side of this pandemic unscathed.

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