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4 Ways Fleet Managers Can Improve Employee Performance

Businesses that operate fleets are often at a disadvantage when it comes to monitoring their employees due to the amount of time they may be off-premise and navigating the roads and highways across the country. This limited visibility can, if not managed well, lead to poor behaviours, increased costs, and decreased customer satisfaction.

Whether you run a plumbing business with plumbers using company vehicles to reach clients for repairs and plumbing callouts or operate a haulage company specialising in delivering specialist equipment or materials, the ability to enhance the customer experience through the service provided by your drivers is crucial. It's not just about getting the job done but about ensuring your customers have a positive interaction with your business.

Drivers are not just employees; they are the face of your company. Their interactions with customers, road users, and others directly reflect your business. If these interactions are not positive, they can significantly impact our business's reputation and performance. This underscoresy our drivers' crucial role in your business, making it imperative to address any issues promptly and ensure they understand the weight of their responsibility. Their role is not just about driving but about shaping your business's reputation and success.

These tips, such as regular training, use of fleet management software, and offering incentives, are designed to help you maximise the potential of your drivers and foster a unified team. By implementing these strategies, you can create a positive work environment and enhance the overall performance of your fleet, empowering your drivers and making them feel integral to the business's success.


Training is key. You need to educate your employees on the company policies regarding their behaviour when representing the company, as well as appropriate driving behaviour. These policies need to be clear and enforced across the board. This enforcement can be done through regular training sessions, performance reviews, and disciplinary actions when necessary. By ensuring that all drivers are upholding standards as expected, you can maintain a positive reputation for your business. Your commitment to training and enforcement reassures your drivers and customers that you take your business's reputation seriously.

Fleet Management Software and Telematics

While not the same, both these tools can facilitate more informed driving, improved fleet operations, and easier management.

Telematics collects a wide range of data that can help you make more informed decisions. By installing telematics devices on your vehicles, you can collect and store data such as speed, idling time, fuel use, GPS position, engine diagnostics, and more. This data can be used to monitor driver behaviour, vehicle performance, and fuel efficiency, among other things.

From here, you can use this function in conjunction with your foot management software to track and manage your fleet. Fleet management software, compiled in a handy driver dashboard, gives you instant information on a range of aspects impacting your fleet, such as compliance with laws and regulations, vehicle repair status, performance, and more. This can assist you in improving driver behaviour and ensuring things run as they need to, even when you don't have physical eyes on the vehicle and the drivers themselves.

Offer Incentives

While drivers should always strive to perform at their best, offering incentives can be a powerful motivator. This is especially true for long-distance drivers who spend a lot of time away from the company and potentially in a solitary situation. By offering incentives, you can inspire your drivers to aim for excellence every day, demonstrating the power of positive reinforcement in motivating your team. Your recognition of their efforts through incentives makes them feel appreciated and motivated to perform at their best.

Host monthly competitions for the best-performing driver, the best-rated driver, compliance, etc. No one really wants to be the company's worst driver—or at least they shouldn’t aim for this position—but a little extra encouragement won't hurt.

Encourage Act on Feedback

A great way to support better driver behaviour is to facilitate a culture of openness and trust between management and drivers. Allow them to come to you with concerns or queries, and know they will be considered acted upon and won't face any retribution. It's a well-documented fact that employees are more likely to go above and beyond for employers who treat them well and respectfully. The more you value your team, the more inclined they are to work together on the company line and perform their best.

In conclusion, treating your drivers with respect, arming them with the knowledge, tools, and support to carry out their job roles and/or driving duties as applicable, and monitoring their behaviour are all great ways to ensure that your drivers behave as expected when out on the road. From here, offering incentives can boost performance and help you keep everyone on the same page at all times.

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