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4 Simple Tips For Developing Healthy Eating Habits

Eating right is a lifestyle. It's not something you do to lose weight, but it helps you live healthier and happier. There are no shortcuts to eating healthy, but a few simple habits can change how your body functions and looks over time. Here are four of my favorite tips for developing healthy eating habits:

Eat breakfast every day.

Breakfast is important for weight management. You'll feel fuller for longer if you eat breakfast, making it easier to stick with your weight loss plan. If you're trying to lose weight, breakfast should be your day's largest meal.

Breakfast is also a great time to eat healthy foods high in fiber and protein, like whole grains or eggs. The nutrients from these foods help you think more clearly during the day and stay energized, reducing the likelihood that you’ll reach for sugary snacks later on.

Stay hydrated.

In order to stay healthy and fit, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. Your body needs water in order for your organs to function properly and for you to burn calories efficiently. Not only does drinking enough water help your overall health, but it also helps with weight loss by keeping your appetite under control.

The recommended daily water intake is about 2 liters (8 cups), which is about half of what most Americans drink daily. So, try drinking some cold water instead of reaching for another soda or juice when thirst arises. The flavor of plain ol' H2O may not be as exciting as those sweetened drinks that come in bright colors and flashy packaging, but with a few drops of lemon or lime juice added into the mix, maybe plain old tap can be just as tasty as its sugary counterparts — at least when it comes down to boosting brainpower levels too. So, if you’re looking to add more water to your daily diet, using a filter similar to The Reservoir can help you to meet your daily water goal. 

Snack smart.

Don’t reach for the nearest snack when you're feeling hungry. Be mindful of what you eat and how much of it is appropriate to eat in one sitting. If you find yourself snacking on junk food or mindlessly eating while doing other things, this is a sign that something in your routine needs to change. Junk food contains unhealthy ingredients like sugar and fat, leading to weight gain. Moderation is key!

Cut down on sugar, salt, and refined carbohydrates.

To develop healthy eating habits, it’s important to cut down on sugar, salt, and refined carbohydrates. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, a diet high in these foods can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Instead of consuming lots of soft drinks, candy bars, and pastries with white flour (refined carbs), try eating more vegetables, fruits, fish, and nuts.


We want to help you get on track with healthy eating habits. You don't have to be perfect, but we recommend that you make an effort to eat better and change some things that may be contributing to your weight gain.

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