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4 Common Signs Your Alcohol Intake Is Unhealthy

Most of us enjoy a drink now and again and that's fine. However, you have to be careful with your alcohol intake because there is a fine line between healthy and unhealthy drinking. It's easy to slip into an alcohol dependency and if you are drinking too much, it has a big impact on your physical health too. Unfortunately, this is a gradual process and people don't always realize that they have an issue. But there are some common signs to watch out for that may suggest you are drinking too much.

You Are Gaining Weight

Alcohol contains a lot of calories- seven per gram to be precise – and that means that even moderate drinking can cause you to gain weight. However, if you are eating the same amount as before but still gaining weight then it may be because you’re drinking more than you used to. You also need to remember that when we drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it metabolizes much faster and can cause weight gain more quickly. If you can't see any other reason for your weight gain, you should consider how much you are drinking. 

You Can't Go A Day Without Drinking

If every day you wake up and drink alcohol then this could be a sign that your drinking is becoming an issue. You can start to feel withdrawals if you go without and may find it difficult to get through the day. If you find it difficult to go a day without drinking, that is a serious warning sign. If this is the case, you should look into options like the anthem blue cross rehab facilities before the problem gets worse. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to regain control over your drinking. 

You Can't Stop Once You Start

Another clear sign you have a problem with alcohol is that you can't stop once you start drinking. You may feel like limiting yourself to one drink but the next thing you know, it turns into three or four, and then before you know it, there is no way you are going to stop. Even if you do not feel the need to drink every day, being unable to control your drinking once you start is a serious problem. 

You Are Using Alcohol To Self-Medicate

People often drink because of the effects it has on their mood. If you are using alcohol to manage your mental health, this is a clear sign that you have an issue with drinking. People can use alcohol as a coping strategy for mental health issues like depression or anxiety and if this is the case, it's important that you seek professional advice before the problem gets worse. If you are finding it difficult to cope without drinking, then you should talk to a doctor about this so that they can help you learn not to use alcohol to self-medicate.

Cutting back on your alcohol intake can be tough, but it will improve your life in a lot of ways. If you notice any of these signs in your own drinking, it’s time to have a rethink. 

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