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3 Key Things You Can Learn From A Blood Test

In 2020 we have learned some hard lessons; the primary lesson being, of course, that our health is the most important asset we have. It is very easy to forget how important having a healthy body and mind can be, until these integral facets of our existence are threatened. The coronavirus crisis has taken its toll on us all, and has reminded us that looking after our health is vital for long life and wellbeing.

When it comes to taking a blood test, we usually only do this if it is required by a doctor. Getting a blood test isn’t exactly a fun experience, and can even make people feel faint and sick if they are particularly squeamish. Nevertheless, a blood test can teach you a lot about what your body needs in order to become healthier and stronger.

Here are three key things you can learn from getting a blood test. You can find remote blood testing here

How well your liver is functioning.

From the analytics of a blood test, your doctor can learn just how well your liver is functioning. If your liver is functioning poorly, it will release enzymes into your bloodstream, which cause your proteins to drop. This would require further examination and even medication to get your liver functioning at its optimal levels again. These results are highly important; your liver’s health is integral to your whole bodily system and should be taken very seriously.

What are the symptoms of liver problems? If you begin to lose weight without change in your diet or exercise, and you feel nauseous often, this could be a sign of liver problems. If you have either of these symptoms, book a blood test as soon as possible.

Your iron levels.

If your iron levels are too low, this will show up in a blood test. Iron is a mineral which contributes to your energy levels; if your iron is low, you could feel the following symptoms:

  • Extreme fatigue and sluggishness. 

  • Feeling generally physically weak.

  • Dizziness, particularly if you stand up too fast. 

  • Paleness.

These symptoms aren’t conducive of low iron, but certainly could be caused by it. So how can doctors read your iron levels from a blood test?

After your blood test takes place, the blood sample taken is examined under microscopic conditions by a doctor. They will pay attention to your red blood cells, which will appear, if healthy, a dark red colour and average cell size. If you have low iron, your red blood cells will appear smaller and paler than they should. This way, your doctor can confidently tell you that you have low iron.

How do you get more iron in your system? Foods such as red meat contain lots of iron. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are plenty of plant products that contain iron too, such as beans, pulses, nuts, green vegetables and soy products. 

Your thyroid’s function.

Specific thyroid blood tests can tell you if you have an overactive, or underactive, or indeed healthy thyroid. Your thyroid is a small gland in your neck, but although it is small, the thyroid is crucial for regulating some of your body’s most important functions. These include your metabolism, your mood, and your energy levels. It does this by producing hormones which regulate your bodily functions at a steady rate. A thyroid function test can determine if your thyroid is working properly, or whether it is either underactive or overactive.

An underactive thyroid

If you have an underactive thyroid, this means that your thyroid isn’t producing as many hormones at the rate that it should be. The issue with an underactive thyroid is that the symptoms become present at a very slow rate, meaning that it is quite difficult to tell if your thyroid is causing a problem at all. The symptoms of underactive thyroid include tiredness, depression, brittle hair and nails, and a low sex drive.

An overactive thyroid. 

An overactive thyroid is, as you can probably guess, the opposite of an underactive one. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid include weight loss, anxiety, sleeplessness and trembling. These are caused by too many hormones being produced by the thyroid gland which can be very difficult for the patient. 

Final Thoughts

If you feel persistent symptoms of any kind, taking a blood test is a good idea. Blood tests can be analyzed by different medical specialists who will present your results and help you take any next steps you need. 

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