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2022 is the Time for Post- Pandemic Expansion for Las Vegas Real Estate

Tourism and real estate markets in Las Vegas are going to experience pretty interesting trends in 2022. It is estimated that Las Vegas will get double-digit gains in the volume of visitors this year. This gain in visitors will also level the gaming revenue next year. The situation looks promising for all types of industries here, including entertainment, hotel, real estate, gambling and housing industries. 

Well, Las Vegas was one of the cities where the entire economy was dependent on real estate, gambling and tourism. Things are getting back to normal, and soon Las Vegas will start expanding its market with new strategies. Despite the dip in the real estate market, gaming revenue kept growing, and it happened mainly due to the rise of online gaming. 

Players did not have to leave their homes to gamble, and that caused a huge increase in the gaming revenue in the last two years. Players could play from the comfort of their homes at US online casinos like the ones on Casino USA. But hotels and other land-based businesses needed visitors, and that’s why these businesses seem hopeful regarding post-pandemic expansion in 2022. 

Possible Challenges for Las Vegas Tourism Industry in 2023

Here is an interesting fact; the tourism industry will be weaker in 2023 than in 2022. How is that possible? It does not make sense, but studies have pointed out a few main challenges that might have negative effects on tourism in 2023, including:

1- Rise of Online Gambling

The possibility of a rise in the popularity of online gambling will definitely hurt land-based businesses. It is estimated that in 2023, about one-half of the visitors will be playing online gambling games at online casinos. And with this trend, land-based businesses might face some challenges in 2023.

2- Rise of Hotel Rates

Hotels are going to raise their rates as they would need more money to maintain their properties, as stated by experts. It makes sense as heaps of tourists will be coming to Las Vegas, and most of them will demand higher standards in lodging facilities. 

3- Rise of Property Prices

Prices are also going to increase, and this time it is proved with figures. It is estimated that property prices in Las Vegas are high than 1% per month. This increase will continue until 2023, and as soon as the boom starts, property owners will start making huge profits.

4- Rise of Hotel Fees

In the last few years, the visitor growth rate was almost 10%, and this is a huge number for any city. It means that investors can buy properties today and make profits later when numbers would rise above 20%.

Why did the Las Vegas Gambling Industry keep growing?

Las Vegas enjoyed huge growth in the last few years. It is mainly due to the rise of online gambling. Las Vegas was one of the most visited cities because of its gambling industry. But after the pandemic, there was a huge fall in the numbers, and this affected all other industries as well.

But things are changing now, and people are coming back to Las Vegas. This time they are coming for gaming only, and they are playing at online casinos like the ones on Casino USA. It means that land-based businesses do not have to worry about the future anymore, as it is all set for them, with huge gaming revenue expected in 2022 and 2023.

How can Vegas Embrace Growth and Expansion?

Responsible growth and expansion are what Las Vegas should embrace in 2022 and 2023. First of all, it is time to grow the entertainment industry. The growth of the entertainment industry in Las Vegas will result in huge gaming revenue, too, because this industry is directly connected with online gambling.

But the entertainment sector and land-based gaming sector together will drive huge revenue for the city, according to experts. So preserving this combination for future years is the most appropriate thing for the city government to do. Here are some other factors that might support the real estate and tourism industries in 2023:

Create Economic Diversity

Las Vegas will be more productive in 2023 compared to 2022 if the city government can create economic diversity. The loss of job opportunities in casinos caused a huge loss to the city economy. 

People started losing jobs and moving away from Las Vegas, and it made the situation worse for the city economy. But now, there is a chance for recuperation with the growth of employment opportunities in other sectors, such as the entertainment, hotel and real estate industries.

Create Affordable Businesses

Vegas tried expanding its entertainment industry by connecting it with gambling. In the early 2000s, Sin City became the hub for gaming, and no one imagined that it would be possible to leave casino tables and enjoy a show at the show theatre too!

Offer something that you can't get online

Nowadays, you can find tons of free entertainment on the internet. Theater shows and movies are available to viewers only if they have a TV with cable and internet connection. But it's different in Las Vegas! Las Vegas offers affordable theater, comedy shows and other fun activities for people who are in the visiting mood.

It is time for the city government to get involved in this industry as well because if lots of people will visit the place, there will be a huge chance for expansion of other industries as well. Lack of entertainment options and high prices of hotel accommodations cost a city huge money as visitors prefer to stay at cheaper hotels than going out of town from here.

2022 is the Promising Year for Las Vegas 

Las Vegas wants growth but a responsible one. This time city government will be more active in promoting the growth and expansion of businesses by connecting them with local entertainment facilities.

Las Vegas is always going to grow, but it should not forget about its historic core. In the past few years, the city government invested heavily in this industry and now it wants a return on investment. One thing is confirmed; Las Vegas is soon going to become a better place for tourists and gamers!

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