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10 Ways to Make Your Workplace Disability Friendly

The number of people with disabilities entering workplaces is increasing daily, which is good news for the country's economy. Creating a disability-friendly workplace not only benefits employees with disabilities, but it can also lead to increased productivity, better morale, and a positive public image.

Though hiring individuals with disabilities is great, many companies still do not want to hire them because of the potential expenses and risks. So let us know how a company can update its thinking and strategies related to this neglected talent category. Here are some ways to make your workplace disability friendly.

1. Educating Yourself

When recruiting individuals with disabilities, it is important to acknowledge the common challenges they may encounter in the office, particularly in fitting into the conventional work environment. In addition, it is essential to know their necessity, which you may get by open and clear communication with them. Consulting with disability lawyers can also help ensure that your company complies with legal requirements, such as providing reasonable accommodations and preventing discrimination.

Most workplaces are not designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. For example, most offices have cubicles as workstations, which may not be wheelchair accessible. As a result, it may be challenging for employees with disabilities to move around freely. Besides, there are many more obstacles that a person with disabilities faces in the workplace. Therefore, when you engage with these kinds of employees, you will realize that there is a broad range of difficulties that many individuals with disabilities encounter.

2. Educating Staff and Colleagues

If you want to create a disability-friendly workplace, after educating yourself, the next step is to educate your staff and colleagues about the new changes.  Sensitivity, awareness, and empathy are necessary qualities that employees must exercise when creating an inclusive culture in the workplace.

Organizing DEI workshops and training sessions can help employees understand how to interact and accommodate coworkers with disabilities. It also helps in breaking down any preconceived notions or biases they may have.

To achieve this, consider bringing an expert knowledgeable about disabilities and their problems in the workplace or who has experience working with people with disabilities. Or arrange conferences and seminars to educate the employees.

3. Install a Ramp or Wheelchair Lift

Another way to make your workplace disability-friendly is by installing a ramp or wheelchair lift. This is one of the essential tasks for employees who use wheelchairs or have mobility impairments. You can install ramps at entrances, exits, and in areas with steps or stairs. You can also install a wheelchair lift in areas where installing a ramp is not possible or limited space. So, decide wisely whether to install a ramp or a wheelchair lift

4. Create an Accessible Workspace for Everyone

An accessible workspace can be used by everyone, regardless of the employee's physical abilities. To make it accessible, the doors should be wide enough for wheelchair users; walkways should be clear and clean, free from hazards. 

In addition, there should not be any physical barriers that could prevent someone with a disability from using an area of the workplace. Authorities should also consider the lighting and acoustics of the workspace to ensure that individuals with visual or hearing impairments can easily navigate and communicate in the environment with others.

5. Hiring a Support Team

It may be challenging for individuals with disabilities to go from one building to another or ride in a ramp or lift. They may need help accessing all the areas.  You may hire some professionals as a support team for the person with disabilities. The team members should be tolerant, patient, and, most importantly, an expert in doing this work.

6. Hiring A Professional Designer For Office 

If you want to create a more disability-inclusive work environment, you may hire a professional to design your office space. They can help you make the necessary modifications, like minor adjustments or major renovations.

Before you begin any reconstruction, it is wise to seek the advice of an expert. Although you may be concerned about the costs, remember that investing in a disability-friendly environment is a one-time expense with significant long-term benefits. You can wonderfully create an inclusive workplace with the proper guidance.

7. Creating a Culture of Sensitivity

Creating a culture of sensitivity and respect for employees with disabilities is essential for making the workplace disability-friendly.  Employers should provide training to all employees and ensure that they understand how to interact with colleagues with disabilities.  A culture of respect, empathy,  celebrating their achievements, promoting disability awareness, and understanding each other can help all employees feel welcome and valued.

8. Offering Accommodations

Providing accommodations is crucial and efficient in making the workplace more disability-friendly. Accommodations such as adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs, and magnifying software should enable employees with disabilities to work efficiently and comfortably. In addition, companies should design the workplace in a way that accommodates employees with disabilities. This includes providing space and furniture that are adjustable to fulfill individual needs.

9. Provide Assistive Technology

Providing assistive technologies in the workplace will be more accessible to employees with disabilities.  Employers should get access to assistive technology such as screen readers, text-to-speech software, and voice-activated devices. This will enable employees with disabilities to use computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices more effectively. In this way, the employee can contribute more to the company.

10. Revisioning the Company Policy

As you undertake significant changes in your workplace,  it's essential to review your company policies thoroughly. For example, check the policies on discrimination and ensure incorporation provisions that account for disabled employees.  It's vital to remember that disability laws differ across countries, so consider relevant regulations when revising your workplace policies. This can create a more supportive work environment and foster equal opportunities for all staff.


Creating a disability-friendly workplace is essential for promoting inclusivity and valuing everyone equally, whether they have disabilities or not. In the following ways, you can create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. By making these changes, you can promote a positive and welcoming workplace culture, increase productivity, and improve morale in the workplace.

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