On Friday July 28, Rishtedar, the hottest new Indian restaurant in Wynwood will be hosting their Mehndi night. Mehndi Night at Rishtedar Miami is designed to celebrate the art of henna, a central element of Indian festivities, and to share the rich culture and traditions surrounding this practice. Guests will receive their own temporary henna tattoo design, watch traditional dance performances and enjoy authentic Indian dishes.
The night is a tribute to the colorful traditions of northern India and the Goa region. Mehndi involves temporary tattooing of hands with henna, done by professional Mehndi artists, who create beautiful henna designs live and share the symbolism and meaning behind their creations.
Mehndi Nights at Rishtedar Miami–have your hands painted with Henna by Mehndi artists while celebrating authentic Indian culture
232 NW 24th St, Miami, FL 33127
Friday, July 28 at 7 p.m.-11 p.m.
Henna activities will begin at 7 pm and continue uninterrupted throughout the celebration. Guests can have their hands painted at any time. We recommend that guests arrive early to ensure they have the opportunity to enjoy this experience. The event will feature a vibrant night of traditional dance performances, such as the Kathak dance from northern India.
To sign up for the Mehndi Night, guests can visit their website and make a reservation or call the restaurant directly.
The Mehndi Night at Rishtedar Miami promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with color, culture, and flavor. We look forward to seeing you there!