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French Heritage Society's NY Gala - The Black & White Ball

French Heritage Society is pleased to host its annual New York Gala Dinner Dance – The Black & White Ball on Thursday, November 21st, 2019, at a private club in Manhattan, from 7pm to 11pm. This year’s exquisite, highly-anticipated black tie affair will honor world- renowned interior designer, Geoffrey Bradfield, as well as Margaret and Gregory Hedberg for their invaluable contributions in the fields of philanthropy and art. The evening will include an elegant dinner followed by music and dancing to The Bob Hardwick Sound. 

French Heritage Society and Gala Chairmen are CeCe Black, Jean Doyen de Montaillou, Michael A. Kovner, Jay R. Paul, Jean Shafiroff, and Ann Van Ness. Under the High Patronage of His Excellency Philippe Etienne, Ambassador of France to the United States, His Excellency Nicolas de Rivère, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, Ms. Anne Anne-Claire Legendre, Consul General of France in New York, and Mr. Gaëtan Bruel, Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy to the United States. 

Proceeds from the gala will provide critical support for FHS’s three parallel missions: preserving the French architectural legacy in France and the United States, cultivating the next generation of preservationists through our Student Exchange Program, and promoting Franco-American friendship. 

Table and Ticket Information 

Tables (Dinner Chairman) All tables are for 10 individuals and provide a listing of Dinner Chairman. In order to purchase a table, or for more information, please contact Benjamin Wells (212-759-6846, ext. 201). The different table levels and benefits thereof are below. A link to purchasing tickets and tables: