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What to Know About Buying a House With a Pool

Buying a new home is exciting and fun; after all, you get to decide what you want in your home. A popular decision recently has been homes with pools. Owning your own pool is a great asset. You can use it to cool off on hot summer days, get in some extra exercise, relax in private, and keep the kids occupied. Check out this guide to learn what to know about buying a house with a pool before you close.

Pools require regular maintenance

All pools require some minor upkeep and regular maintenance. This is especially taxing if your new home has a particularly large or irregular-shaped pool. You will have to skim the pool to remove dirt and debris on a daily basis. You will also need to learn to close and open the pool based on the weather and seasons. Cleaning out filters and ducts is another essential. Learn all the pool maintenance tips you can get before your move-in date!

Animals can wander into your pool

Animals can wander into your pool if it’s not properly covered or secured—especially at night. This can range from birds using it as a gigantic birdbath to raccoons accidentally falling in under the cover of night. To prevent this, you’ll need to cover your pool securely, and if you live in an area with a lot of wildlife, it’s recommended to invest in a pool cage or a solid pool cover rather than a flimsy tarp.

You need to learn a little chemistry

Pools require specific levels of chemicals to keep the germs out without causing harm to the people in the pool. Many people choose to hire a service to keep the chemicals perfectly balanced in their pool, while others feel comfortable doing it themselves. If this is your first time owning a home with a pool, it’s usually recommended to hire someone to help you learn the right chemical compounds for your specific pool before experimenting on your own.

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