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What Friends Taught Us About Buying An Apartment

Apartment living, specifically New York apartment living, played a central role in the much-loved TV show Friends, providing a backdrop for the lives of our best-loved twenty-somethings, and preparing an entire generation for predominantly apartment-based lifestyles. 

Now, with as many as two in ten Americans in hotspots like New York enjoying apartment life, it’s fair to say that, even thirty years later, it doesn’t get better than this for seeing first-hand what apartment life actually entails. Here, we consider the best lessons that Friends had to offer, and how you can turn those same insights towards your hunt for an apartment moving forward. 

Lesson 1: Always choose your neighbors wisely

As well as being a much-loved (in the end) character, Mr. Heckles from Friends wasn’t exactly what you would call a decent neighbor. In fact, his banging on the ceiling at even the smallest noises was so ridiculous that it became a running joke. In reality, however, a neighbor like this could make your living situation incredibly difficult. As such, the first lesson that you’re going to need to apply to your apartment hunt is that you should always seek properties with decent neighbors. Obviously, you can't knock on the doors of everyone in a building before buying! However, you can take certain precautions, such as buying in celeb-heavy complexes where you know your neighbors will keep to themselves, or simply taking note of the condition of your neighbor’s properties, how friendly people seem, and whether you notice any noise disruption or other issues during a viewing.

Lesson 2: If you love pets, factor for them in your search

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From Marcel through to Chicken and Duck, pets were as much a part of Friends as the friends themselves, and that leads us to our next crucial lesson – if you want pets, factor for them in your apartment search. The simple fact is that not all apartment complexes allow animals, and you won’t want to compromise your property by breaking those rules. Other options, like these cat friendly apartments, will allow certain animals for an agreed fee. In other cases, you may find that apartments are entirely open to animals of all shapes and sizes. Just do your research, and make sure that there’s room for your four (or two…) legged friends before making an offer. 

Lesson 3: Choose locations near to friends...or not

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Ultimately, Friends is a lesson in friendship, and the importance of being close to the people we love. Buying in a city filled with your nearest and dearest is certainly a great way to ensure that you’re able to put roots down in. Be warned, however, that living across the hall from your closest friends (or even across the street, as Ross found out the hard way…) doesn’t always buy you the privacy, and happy living arrangements, that you need to settle into the perfect apartment.

Apartment living can be great, but it can also get complicated. Get past that by learning from your Friends, and avoiding these pitfalls at the viewing stages! 

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