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Ultimate House Moving Checklist

Moving is an exciting—albeit scary—time for many people. For better or worse, moving requires devotion, attention, and, sometimes, professional help. Whenever you decide to move, read this ultimate house moving checklist to see what you must do for a smooth transition.

2 Months Out

When you’re two months or eight weeks out, you’ll want to prepare every room for the big day. Inspect each room of the new home for structural, plumbing, electrical, or any other issues. You may need a professional to help with this inspection. Also, use this time to order new furniture or appliances for the house. Couches, chairs, light and water fixtures, and heavy appliances take time to order, deliver, and install, so prep for these ahead of time. Also, when moving out of your old place, use this time to separate your items into piles you want to save, donate, and sell. This will help you get rid of any unnecessary items and make room for new ones.

1 Month Out

As the big day draws near, start the packing process. Always start with the items you rarely use since you can store these until necessary. Seasonal items may fall into this category. Remember, save more frequently used items for right before move-in day to have them ready throughout the process. Do not forget to label. This is a crucial step to ensure each box reaches its destination, especially if you use professional movers. However, keep valuables on hand to make sure they're not misplaced or stolen. You may also need this time to change your primary healthcare physician, veterinarian, mail, auto services, utility companies, and so on.

The Day Of

Finally, with the last part of the ultimate house moving checklist, the big day is here and you’re ready to live in your new home. Say goodbye to your current living situation and say hello to your new house! If you’re using furniture movers in Toronto, supervise the load-in so that furniture and important items aren’t damaged.. Also, you may need to clean up a bit if you’re moving into an older or previously owned house. Make a final walk-through to assure everything works well. You may find something unbeknownst to you before, like poor water quality or faulty electrical currents. Either way, now’s the time to call a professional to take care of those issues.