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Sleeping Your Way Into Your Improved Beauty

here’s a reason why sleeping is often called getting your beauty sleep. It's true, your skin heals while you sleep the most. Your eyes get a good rest and the nerves get to relax and stop being so rigid and full all the time. The pressure in your cheeks and in your facial muscles begins to slowly fade away. It's a very good idea to regularly get 8 hours of sleep no matter what it is you’re doing to make sure you are continually looking your best. In fact, you could be doing some other things in your sleep, that would aid your beauty. It doesn’t sound that hard to begin with, getting more beautiful while you sleep? Sounds like it's almost too good to be true. However with these steps you can shock yourself into looking healthier and younger.

Leave it in

When you shampoo your hair you’re actually hurting it in a way. Of course you have to get rid of the germs frizz, but what you’re doing is stripping it of all the natural oils. These oils don’t just keep your hair looking young and shiny, but it adds the flexibility and bounce to your strands. What do we all do after we shampoo? We conditioner our hair to make it either smell good, become softer or try to mend our split ends by adding in a new layer of oils. However, you can and should leave conditioners in your hair while you sleep. A leave in conditioner is designed to dry in your air by itself and not need to be washed out or have a towel take it off. Some products even say the longer you leave it in, the more benefits you will get. So sleep on it, quite literally.

A new face every morning

If you can help it, sleep facing upwards. Don’t just do this for fun, do it while wearing a face mask. Face masks are great for penetrating into your skin, searching for all the hidden bacteria and germs, and slowly but surely drowning them. Face masks are wet as they go on but after a while they dry and create a powder that protects the face from the outside. You can buy face mask of all kinds. There are some that are only about natural ingredients. Some that are purely using fruits. There are some face masks that mix both to get some of the best results on the market. However it all depends on your skin and how long you can keep the mask on. Some masks require just a few minutes for their worth to be seen while others are more lenient and you can leave them on for a long time.

Everyone should be getting the sleep they desire but life is often too busy for most people. However you can help yourself to look as if you do get enough sleep, by changing up your beauty routine while you sleep. Face masks are a great product to use as they sink deep into the skin and improve complexion and get rid of germs.

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