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New to NYC? These Tips Will Help You Survive Your Daily Commute

If you just moved to New York City, you're in for the experience of a lifetime. It's a new, exciting place to be in and you're ready to get started. But even veteran NYC residents can have trouble with their daily commute. What's a new resident to do?

Keep reading to see some must-have tips for surviving your new NYC commute.

If You're Driving...

Know the Risks of Driving in NYC

You might be thinking that other places are just as dangerous as NYC when it comes to driving. In fact, Texas currently leads the nation in car accident-related deaths with one crash reported almost every 60 seconds. However, stop to consider that, in a fraction of that space, NYC still sees almost 230,000 car accidents per year. That's almost half of car accidents (~600,000) reported across the entire state of Texas in a given year.

Watch Out for Pedestrians

As of 2017, there were about 8.6 million people living in NYC. That's more than double the number of people living in LA that same year. Now consider that many of these people will walk to their destinations. When you're driving, it's incredibly important to make sure you keep an eye out for pedestrians. Jaywalking is common and with so many people on the streets at any given time, your vigilance is of the utmost importance.

If You Use Public Transportation...

Check Your Subway Seat

There is nothing worse than getting off of the subway only to realize you've left something on your seat as the railcar lights fade into the distance. Smartphones might be incredibly common -- almost 400 iPhones are sold every minute -- but that doesn't make them any less vital in our daily lives. So before you exit the subway car, make sure you check your seat!

Utilize Navigation Apps

Whether you're an NYC veteran or you've just arrived in the Big Apple, there's no shame in using a navigation app. In fact, multiple apps are designed specifically to help you navigate public transportation. Apps like Exit Strategy can help you navigate the subway system, while others like CabSense can direct you to the best corner to hail a cab from.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Subways are home to millions of commuters every day. With that many people using the same subway cars day in and day out, it's practically set in stone that you'll get sick if you're not careful. You don't want to end up with a respiratory infection or a nasty cough. And those are just two of the most common illnesses diagnosed at urgent care centers annually. In order to avoid coming down with something nasty, make sure to carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you and to use it after you've been on public transportation. Washing your hands frequently and taking immune boosters can also help you out.

If You Walk...

Be Prepared for Any Weather

Even if you're only walking for part of your commute, it's important to be prepared. The weather can change in an instant, and there's nothing worse than walking into a monsoon without an umbrella. Fortunately, it's easy to carry an umbrella or a heavier jacket with you. It may also be worth investing in a pair of watertight shoes for those days when it unexpectedly rains or snows.

Use Crosswalks With Caution

Crosswalk signs are the law of the land when it comes to walking the streets of NYC. You might be tempted to cross the street before a crosswalk sign turns green, but you need to resist that urge. Crosswalk signs are designed to keep pedestrians safe, so pay close attention to them.

Find Good Sneakers

There's hardly anything more useful than a great pair of sneakers when you need to walk around NYC. Those heels or loafers you bought might look great, but nobody is going to be impressed when you sprain your ankle or hurt your feet walking to work in them. A high-quality pair of sneakers will help protect your feet and keep your good shoes looking that way.

New York City is an amazing place filled with different cultures, amazing food, and a whole lot of people just like you. Considering that almost 37% of people have never left their hometown, moving to the Big Apple is a big step! You should be proud. And with these travel tips, you'll have no problem getting around in style.