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Invisible Home Hazards You Need To Be Aware Of

Whether you’re living in your forever home or looking to move to greener pastures, your current or future home may be doing you more harm than you realize. A number of things in your home affect you every day, and you might not even realize it. Thankfully, you can take steps to manage these things once you realize how important taking care of them is. We’ll walk you through some of the invisible home hazards you need to be aware of so that you can keep yourself and your family safe from harm.

Radon Gas

You may have heard of radon before—it’s one of the noble gases on the periodic table of elements. Unfortunately, it’s anything but noble. Radon is a radioactive material that rises from below the earth and that can seep into homes from their lower points. Radon is odorless, tasteless, invisible, and the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers.

If you’re building a new home, it’s best to put anti-radon measures in place during construction. If, on the other hand, you’re moving to an existing house, it’s worth it to get a professional radon measurement done. A lot of companies that do this also offer radon mitigation services, a highly suggested course of action to take if your radon levels are too high.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide might be a little more familiar to you. It’s caused by wood, coal, or gasoline burning and releasing it as fumes. Carbon monoxide is also colorless, tasteless, and odorless. These fumes can even cause death during sleep. Every home should have a carbon monoxide detector running at all times. If you’re burning any of these carbon monoxide fuel sources, such as your fireplace or car, always be sure the area is well ventilated to avoid carbon monoxide building up to dangerous levels.


There are many different kinds of mold—some kinds more harmful than others—and they can hide in places where you can barely see them. Mold spores can cause several health problems, including allergy development, chronic cough and fatigue, and even immune system damage. Always stay vigilant when you’re looking at homes for anywhere it looks like water is leaking; this is where mold grows the best. There are plenty of mold-killing products to use, and you can call in professionals if you’d like; the difficult part is finding the mold in the first place.

We hope these invisible home hazards you need to be aware of have opened your eyes to the importance of being a little more cautious with your home and any home you may buy in the future. These hazards may be dangerous, but you can manage them to safe levels with a little bit of precaution.

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