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How VR Could be an Advantage in Real Estate

VR is amazing to look at and experience on television. However, did you know it has some very real uses in the industry? In a major city like New York, VR is a great option for people wanting to look at or sell places on the market. You will be able to look at Manhattan apartments in ways that you couldn’t before. Let us take a very close look at how VR could be an advantage in real estate.

Home previews

To start things off, VR is fantastic for home previews. Traditionally, the best way to preview a home without being on the property is to take a look at photos. The homeowner might send pictures of the property, and you can scroll through them to get an idea of what you are working with. However, photos don't tell the full story. You don't get the full effect of a 3D environment that real-life gives. 

Shadows and tall ceilings can distort reality and create a disparity in photos. When it comes to a preview, you want it to be as accurate as possible. VR makes progress toward a 3D environment where you can view all the details of the home.

View photography

Next in line, VR is awesome for viewing photography. Maybe the full 3D environment of the home isn't yet implemented in the system. However, immersive photos are still a good alternative. Set up the VR system and go through a slideshow of photography in San Diego, for example, to learn about homes in the area. You'll be able to view these high-quality photos without any distractions. Moreover, the VR simulation leads to a larger screen than you would have on a smartphone or computer. 

The bottom line is, VR is all about simulating actuality. When you can see a life-size photo right in front of your face, buying that home is more tempting. It makes an overwhelming place like the Upper or Lower Eastside much more manageable for deciding on your future home investment. You can see the handrails on the stairs and every ridge of the windowsill. Real estate agents are taking advantage of the immersion of VR to market their properties like never before.

Remote sales

In the grand scheme of things, more real estate sales are being done overseas than ever, especially in the market of New York. Primarily coming from Italy, according to Forbes. Because technology has evolved so much, there's really no need to be physically present at the property. Real estate agents are constantly in negotiations with people from across the country. If the buyer has VR, they can ask the agent whether they can view the property in this manner. This leads to a more cohesive idea of what is on the line and what each party expects from one another. 

In addition, VR establishes a standard in the industry. Almost all VR systems are compatible with one another, so it doesn't matter which real estate agent a client is working with. Once a home has been simulated properly, it will be available to everyone on the market.

Home comparisons

Last but not least, VR is excellent for home comparisons. You might capture the layout of the home at different stages. Take photos right now and create a VR file of the current layout. One year from now, repeat the process and compare the files side by side. You'll be able to notice what has shifted around in the home and any damage to the interior. Similarly, view the home from its exterior to record the state of the mailbox, backyard, and chimney. 

Many investors interested in real estate want to see the development of the home over time. With VR, you'll be able to create a visual timeline of sorts. This is much more effective than simply writing down what has changed, which will be open to interpretation. Let people see the progress for themselves with VR.

When all is said and done, these are a couple of ways that VR could be an advantage in real estate, primarily within a big market like New York. The real estate market evolves every year, and agents are always looking for ways to sell properties. VR is a powerful tool that should not be overlooked.

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native who spends her time as a freelance writer and loves cooking at home when she can find the time. Regina loves reading, music, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie. She loves adventure and living every day to the fullest.  

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