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How to Tenant-proof Your Investment Property

Are you worried that tenants could damage and destroy your new investment property? Tenant proofing ensures that you protect your property from damage. 

Not all tenants are bad. However, over time, damage can naturally occur. It is not always intentional or the tenants’ fault. If your tenant has children, household items can get damaged while they play in the house. Or maybe you own student housing rentals, which are known to have high maintenance costs from college students. 

Either way, you can use these actionable tips to tenant-proof your next investment property and save yourself money down the road. If you decide to sell your house in the future, these upgrades will even increase its value. Invest in your asset today, to give it a brighter future tomorrow.

Stronger Walls

The best way to protect your walls from dirt build-up is to use glossy paint or finish. It is a better alternative to water paints because it allows wiping without coming off which is the opposite of the former. It will initially cost you more compared to other painting alternatives, but in the end, it saves you money because you will not have to repaint every time a new tenant wants to move in.

Aside from painting, you can install door stoppers behind every door to prevent damage to specific points on your property walls resulting from the doors swinging open.

Lastly, let’s focus on the wall itself. If you are renovating this house before renting it out, consider putting it thinker drywall throughout the property. This will help prevent large dings and holes from occurring as easily. For student housing rentals, this is extremely helpful when tenant-proofing a home.

Upgrade Your Floors

When installing flooring, have in mind that spills from all kinds of liquids are unpreventable. Carpets typically don’t age well after multiple rounds of tenants. Aside from spills, scratches are hard to avoid as well. 

To prevent scratches and dings throughout your property, include in the rental agreement that all tenants should have felt pads on all furniture. If you include furniture as part of the rental deal with your tenants, this will help protect your items. You can note in the lease that tenants are responsible for any scratches and that repair costs will come from their deposit. You can direct them to shops that sell felt pads.

Windows and Blinds

Replacing windows can go a long way with tenants. Windows are used often, and can easily get damaged over time through active use. It will save you tons of time and money by not needing to repair windows often. Similarly, installing reliable blinds can help avoid damages made by tenants. Cheap blinds can get messy fast. Don’t skimp out when investing in these household items.


As much as wear and tear is inevitable with time, you can prolong the wellness of your property by implementing the above measures. Make it a habit to check your property every six months to ensure tenants are abiding by the lease agreement. Accountability and trust are two of the most difficult things to instill within a landlord-tenant relationship. By providing a quality place to live, you start things off on the right foot. 

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