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Consulting a Medical Professional Before Surgery: 6 Essential Tips You Need to Follow

Knowing that you're about to have a surgery can be extremely nerve-wracking and it doesn't matter whether you'll have a routine surgery or something that's a bit more complicated and risky.

The reality is that no one feels totally indifferent to it. And that's exactly why you shouldn't take things lightly and just sit around and wait for that day to come. Of course, this also doesn't mean that you should turn on your panic mode, but just take a few steps before that important day.

There are a number of things that you should do in these instances that will help you have the best possible outcome. If you want to uncover what’s supposed to be done, then just pay attention to these tips below.

Talk To Your Doctor

In these types of situations, communication is of huge importance and the first person you need to turn to is your doctor or anyone else who is going to perform the surgery. Why is this so crucial?

Well, that's because you can always bring up the topic that's related to your medications (if you take them already) to see if you need to make some changes when it comes to this. Bear in mind that this isn’t essential only for surgeries that are a bit more complex like hip replacement surgery, or cervical disc replacement surgery but even for the ones that appear to be minor. There are many things that you must take into consideration.

For starters, if you are diabetic, then you should discuss things like food intake and make sure to consume things that are going to keep your sugar levels under control. Because, as you probably already know, people who suffer from this condition usually take more time to heal than the ones who are healthy.

Keep in mind that an internist is here to properly prepare you for the upcoming surgery by doing the following:

  • Managing all your medical needs

  • Staying updated with the latest health guidelines for a particular population

  • Selecting the proper test

  • Make sure to have clear communication with the surgeons

Steer Clear Of Alcohol And Cigarettes

Although both cigarettes and alcohol are generally not considered healthy, there are a lot of people who consume them on a daily basis. If you are one of those people, then you need to know that it wouldn’t be advisable to have them before surgery.

When it comes to alcohol, you shouldn’t drink anything at least twelve hours before surgery. On the flip side, you should stay away from cigarettes for at least one day before surgery because many studies have shown that smoking can hinder your recovery and potentially lead to different complications and risks.

Those who utilize recreational drugs must notify their physician about this. You may be scared to do so, but don't worry. Every doctor expects their patients to be one hundred percent transparent as far as this is concerned because they want to prioritize their health and safety.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

This is by far, one of the most essential things you can do before the surgery. Don’t forget that you aren’t a health expert, hence it’s completely understandable if you’re puzzled by certain things and you have questions about them.

Since a lot of stuff is going through your mind right now, yet you know you must ask certain questions, then it would be wise if you wrote them all down, to avoid forgetting something. The ones that are commonly asked include these:

  1. What time do you need to arrive before the surgery?

  2. Should you continue with the medications that you are already employing, or are you supposed to stop taking them? And if so, how far in advance is that supposed to be done?

  3. Is it okay if you take a pre-op beverage instead of not eating anything, in order to stay hydrated and somewhat full?

  4. Will you receive any medicines intended for your recovery after surgery?

  5. Are you permitted to exercise before the procedure?

  6. Are there any risks involved with your surgery?

  7. How long will the entire recovery process take?

Eat The Right Food

You may think that any type of surgery is not going to take a toll on your body, but that’s not actually the case. In fact, they can be very physically draining, almost as if you are preparing yourself for a marathon.

Remember that if you want your body to recover from the surgery the right way, and to handle everything properly, then you need to provide it with some awesome energy boosters that come in the shape of the foods you’ll be consuming.

So what are the best options in these types of situations? You should resort to things like protein (to keep your muscles strong), vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. All of these things are going to efficiently nourish your body.

Inquire About The Anesthesia You Will Receive

The type of anesthesia you’ll receive highly depends on the kind of surgery you will have. Normally, there are three options at your disposal. Local, which affects only a certain area of your body.

Then you have regional, which covers larger parts of your body, and general which impacts the entire body. Additionally, you can either inhale your anesthesia or get it directly in your veins.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

As previously concluded, when the topic related to the foods you'll have before the surgery is discussed, your body will require a lot of energy before and after the procedure. Bear in mind that you will burn a huge amount of water during surgery which is why it's pivotal to stay hydrated as much as you can.

In other words, it means that you should drink plenty of water and steer clear of caffeine because it's widely known that it dehydrates your body.

There are certain things that must be taken into account (if you want everything to turn out okay) regardless of the type of surgery you will have. The ones that were enumerated today are surely the most crucial.

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