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Buying Your Dream House Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

Taking that first step on the property ladder can be an exciting prospect but there are things to consider as a new buyer. It may not appeal to all to buy and if you prefer to rent then that is just fine but if you want to make the step to buy, then you will need to get more prepared with the financial implications and start seeking advice early to ensure that you have everything you need. It is important that you are not caught out with any issues or loopholes as you go along. You can be struck with hidden costs, problems with your finance and needing to improve your credit score before you can even think about getting loans.  Thankfully however there are plenty of options.

Do you need financial help? You may believe that you have enough money to buy a home. Perhaps you have some type of savings but if you do not have these options available then you may need to look at other ways to fund yourself. Looking for the right house or apartment will be a key point to look at and you must put feelers out first. Where do you want to move to? What kind of things does the property have to have? A driveway? Loft space? A large garden? A garage? These things must be in your mind before considering property as well as the area. Will it be in the city? Do you prefer the suburbs? All of the above is going to affect the cost of the house and the type of deposit you may need to put down. 

It is important to look at home buying advice either in person or online, to help yourself during these difficult and emotionally challenging times.  Here is a little checklist to look at if you’re a first time buyer and things that are going to help you when making these decisions to buy. 

Check-list for new buyers:

  1. Decide your budget - what can you afford, what type of mortgage are you going to be entitled to. Are you going to be buying with a partner? How will this affect your finance? How much are you willing to put up front? These will be things to make note of beforehand. House prices can vary depending on the economic climate, the location and the size of the house.

  2. Get finances ready - have all your documents ready for any investors and real estate agents to look at. You may want to look at getting any money readily available just in case you do decide to put your deposit down quickly. This also includes fees, deposits and any other costs; don’t be relying solely on any kind of loans. When you knew all of the cost of a buying a house in locations like Ireland, you'll be able to realize that you have to max out your financial resources.

  3. Find the right property before you buy - don’t have buyers' regret, it’s vital to make sure you’re in the right area, and if you’re searching for certain facilities, then be sure that your real estate agent knows what they are. This will stop everyone from wasting time and keep you on track to getting the house that you truly want. 

  4. Make an offer they can’t refuse - put the offer in as soon as you can. This is going to be beneficial as it will show you are very keen and try and make the offer as attractive as possible. If you have set your heart on the property you will need to be prepared to fight for it a little. Also it’s important to be prepared that your offer may not always win, so putting down a good offer quickly shows you really do want it. 

  5. Hire a solicitor/financial help - you will always need some advice when buying a home, so getting solicitors involved will help so that they can financially advise if anything goes wrong. Having the right insurance in place will also be handy.

  6. Hire a surveyor - just like buying a second hand car, you are going to need someone to look at your property and check there are no issues that will need fixing first. There may be some kind of damages to the property that you wouldn’t want to have to deal with or issues connected to the gas or electricity supply and these can be costly so you need to ensure that the house is ready to go. Any issues with plumbing, structure, and also ensure the house is truly worth what it is being sold for and so it’s good to be prepared. 

Your dream house is out there, make sure you go about it the right way! 

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