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Al Fresco Party Hosting: 4 Tips To Ensure An Amazing Experience For All

As spring gives way to summer and the mercury soars, hosting parties where al fresco dining takes centre-stage becomes an incredibly popular choice. There’s something about eating outside that is undeniably charming; whether it’s a barbecue for a small group of friends or a birthday party for a huge number of guests, dining outside always adds something extra special to the experience.

To ensure you can make the most of the delights of any outdoor dining experience you host this year, keep the following tips in mind… 

#1 - Include food options you don’t need to cook 

Al fresco dining is often preceded by al fresco cooking; most commonly on a barbecue or grill. However, this type of cooking can be rather intense, as you’re removed from your usual cooking environment and don’t necessarily have everything you need to hand as readily as you would in your kitchen. It’s therefore preferable to opt for a balance of food that you cook and food that you either pre-prepare or order in; choose one main dish to cook during the event, and then explore options such as salads, soft pretzels, and canapes to round out the menu for your guests. 

#2 - Address the insect threat 

Insects can ruin an al fresco dining unlike almost anything else; the persistent buzz of both flies and wasps is both distracting and potentially unsanitary, and you’ll naturally want to make sure only your invited guests are able to enjoy your food. 

#3 - Take account of issues related to light 

There are two light-related issues that can be problematic for an al fresco event. The first is too much light; bright sunshine sounds wonderful in theory, but can be highly problematic in practice due to the threat of burning, so make sure there’s plenty of shade available for your guests while they eat. On the other end of the scale, light can be problematic in terms of there being too little, especially for events held in the evening; solar lights, firepits, and mains-powered LED lights are all options that can make sure everyone can see both their food and one another if dining after sunset. 

#4 - Always have backup plans just in case of rain

Even if you have checked the forecast and you’re as good as certain the weather will hold up, it’s still advisable to think the unthinkable and strategize as to how the party can go on even if the weather does turn. Being able to move an event inside is perhaps the best choice in this regard, so it’s worth readying the interior of your home just in case this becomes necessary. In particular, have a backup plan for how you will prepare food if you do have to decamp indoors; an indoor grill can be an excellent option for your main meal in such a scenario. 

In conclusion 

Eating al fresco is always a joy, but with the tips above, you can be confident you’ll make the most of your outdoor dining every time you have the chance to experience it. Enjoy! 

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