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5 Game-Changing Tips on How to Sell Your Luxury Home

Putting your house on the market is a huge endeavor. From the months of preparation to the anxiety of negotiating with buyers, a lot of stress goes into selling a home. When it comes to luxury homes, that stress can be amplified. Don’t go into the experience blind—here’s how to sell your luxury home without piling on the pressure.

1.       Find a Realtor with the Right Experience

Each home-selling experience is unique, and that’s especially true for luxury homes. Make sure you choose a realtor who has extensive experience selling within the luxury real estate market. They’ll have the expertise necessary for selling a luxury home, which is crucial to getting the best price possible.

2.       Make Sure the Price is Right

Setting a price that’s either too high or too low can spell disaster for your entire selling experience. This line is especially hard to toe in the luxury market, where expectations can vary greatly. An unreasonably high price can leave your house on the market for months, and setting too low of a price will deprive you of your home’s full value. Be sure to work closely with your realtor to find a price point in the middle that will satisfy all parties.

3.       Hire a Professional Stager

Most people are incredibly visual, which is why this step is so important. The staging of your home can truly be a make-or-break moment, so go with an experienced professional stager. A good stager will know how to strike the perfect balance between stylish and customizable, making it easier for potential buyers to envision themselves living in your home.

4.       Take High-Quality Photos

When it comes to photographs, low-quality images won’t cut it. Make sure you’re showing off just how stunning your home is with superior photos. Hire a professional photographer who can capture the beauty of your home for all potential buyers to see. To go the extra mile, include videos of your real estate. For homes that boast a lot of land, this can be a great way to show just how vast the property is.

5.       Forgo a Public Open House

This may sound counterintuitive, but skip the public open house. While it’s a common practice outside the luxury market, luxury homes should give off a feeling of exclusivity. The immediate fear with this strategy is that you’ll limit your buyer pool. However, when it comes to how to sell your luxury home, it’s much less about the number of prospective buyers and more about attracting the right buyers. The market for luxury homes may be smaller, but with the right preparation, you can find the ideal new homeowner.

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