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6 Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying a Vacation Home Outside of NYC

A vacation home can be an escape from the hustle and bustle of the big apple. Buying a second home can be especially rewarding if you live in an apartment.

While owning a vacation home can enrich your life, it can also be a big responsibility. It's important to be prepared for the challenges of owning a second home before you make an investment.

1. Location Is Everything

If you're interested in a property, you should take the time to research the area beforehand. This is especially important if you plan on buying in an area that you're not familiar with.

You should pay especially close attention to the area's crime rates. There were almost 35,000 theft arrests in Pennsylvania throughout 2019. Make sure that the property you're buying is in an area that you'll be comfortable spending time in.

2. Take Your Lifestyle Into Consideration

When you're looking at vacation properties, it's easy to think with your heart rather than your head. Before you make any big decisions, you should take a deep breath. Consider what type of property would be a good fit for your lifestyle.

If you only plan to use the vacation home a few times each year, you may want to look into renting out the property. This can be an excellent way to bring in extra income that will cover some of your household expenses.

3. Set a Realistic Budget

Homeownership can be expensive, even when you're buying a vacation property. In addition to looking at the cost of a mortgage, you should look at other expenses you'll be covering, such as utilities and home maintenance.

Since you won't be at your vacation home all the time, you may want to invest in landscaping services. Some of the most popular landscaping services in the U.S. include tree care, which is used by 51% of clients, and mowing, which is used by 50% of clients. 46% of people that use landscaping services invest in lawn pest control, and 42% use weed prevention services.

4. Find the Right Realtor to Work With

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when you're buying a vacation home. That's why it's a good idea to work with a real estate agent that has experience with vacation properties.

An experienced realtor will also be familiar with local laws and will be able to give you more information about your options. This is especially important if you plan to rent out the property in the future.

5. Make Sure the Home Is In Good Condition

Even if a property looks great, it may need serious maintenance. You'll want to have a home inspector look for potential problems before you buy. If you have to make updates to the home, it could increase your total costs.

If you plan on using your vacation home in the summer, you may want to invest in a new HVAC system. Data from Comfy Living shows that the global market for HVAC systems was at $240.8 billion back in 2019. The right HVAC system will keep your property at a comfortable temperature whenever you use it.

6. Don't Look at a Vacation Property as an Investment

Real estate is a valuable asset, but it's best to treat a vacation home as a recreational purchase. Maintaining multiple properties can be costly, and you may not earn as much on a vacation property as you would on other types of investments.

Instead of thinking about what you could potentially earn, you should focus on the enjoyment you'll get out of your second home. Be patient and aim to buy a vacation property you love.

If you live in an NYC apartment, buying a vacation home can be a wonderful way to get away from it all. Take the time to consider your budget and research your options so that you can find a property that's right for you.