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What Are Today's Homebuyers Looking For?

The real estate market is constantly changing, with trends coming and going and the needs of homebuyers always shifting. What was an amenity for a home one year could become a drawback for a home the next year. Whether you're looking to buy or sell a house this year, knowing what people are looking for in a home will only help your process. Read on to discover exactly what today's homebuyers are looking for.

Energy-Efficient Windows

Energy efficiency is a big draw for prospective homebuyers in almost all parts of the home. The windows, however, are the area that homebuyers have been focusing on recently. Now that construction has advanced so that its possible to build windows that don't leak air, significantly impacting how much air conditioning or heating you need to use, homebuyers expect that a house won't have drafty windows. As a home can be 30% more energy-efficient with just some insulation and caulking around the doors and windows, homes of any age can check this requirement off the list.

A home with Energy Star-qualified windows is even better for today's homebuyers. These windows have an invisible glass coating, vacuum-sealed spaces with inert gas in between the panes, improved framing materials, and sturdier weather stripping. These all reduce heat gain and loss in a home, which also helps reduce your energy bills. Those looking to build a home in Oregon should see if Energy Star windows are right for them.

Hardwood Floors

In decades past, it was common to build or remodel homes so that it had wall-to-wall carpeting. However, construction norms change. It also used to be common to use paint that had lead in it when building homes, with homes built between 1960 and 1977 having a 24% chance of containing lead-based paint. Gone are the days of lead-based paint and wall-to-wall carpeting. Now, no homeowner wants a house with lead-based paint and 83% of homebuyers want hardwood floors.

Hardwood floors are easier to maintain, more durable, and offer a cleaner look than carpet. All you need to do is refinish hardwood flooring periodically, while carpets need to be replaced every eight to 10 years. Hardwood floors also offer stylistic flexibility, as you can choose the type, size, and patterns of area rugs you want to add to various rooms.


A whopping 87% of homebuyers want a patio in their new home. A patio is a wonderful backyard feature that allows homeowners to have an easy-to-maintain outdoor living space. Patios also offer great versatility, as a homeowner can use it by putting a few chairs and a table on it or turn it into a luxurious outdoor kitchen.

A Walkable Neighborhood

Anyone who knows anything about real estate knows the importance of the property's location. A major aspect of the location that homebuyers look at is its walkability. About 56% of millennials and 46% of baby boomers prefer to live in neighborhoods that are more walkable. Not only does a walkable neighborhood help a family exercise easily, but it also makes them feel more connected to their community. Many homebuyers are now looking for a strong sense of community where they live and it's tough to have that sense when you can't easily navigate a neighborhood.

If you're preparing to enter the real estate market in one way or another, you have to know what is currently popular. Without up-to-date information, you run the risk of making decisions based on trends that are no longer relevant. Remember to always do your research so that you know what homebuyers are looking for before you dive into the market.