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The Best Ways to Protect Your Home from Storm Damage

Heavy storms can cause a lot of damage to residential homes, whether it’s from hail, rain, wind, or snow. Luckily, homeowners can take preventative measures to avoid issues such as leaks, flooding, and broken windows. This list of the best ways to protect your home from storm damage will give you the guidelines you need to keep your family safe and worry-free.

Prioritize Roof Protection

In the case of metal roofing, you should know there are several methods for preventing rust on metal roofing. These methods are often core parts of the manufacturing and installation process. If you have asphalt shingles, consider using waterproofing products to enhance their storm protection abilities. Other measures to take might include assessing the land around your roof for any hazards which could damage the roof in the event of a storm. A common example is strong winds breaking or blowing over trees which then land on the roof, potentially leading to serious damage. Contacting a service for Toledo tree removal or another similar elsewhere can be wise if you've got trees close to your property, trimming them down or removing them can significantly reduce the risk of heavy damage to your roof in a storm. It's important to remember that of course, there will be occasions when you cannot avoid damage too, and so you will have to call on professionals to inspect and repair your roof for you.

In the case of metal roofing, you should know there are several methods for preventing rust on metal roofing. These methods are often core parts of the manufacturing and installation process. If you have asphalt shingles, consider using waterproofing products to enhance their storm protection abilities.

Regularly Inspect Your Home’s Foundation

If the foundation of your home has any cracks, rain can get through and cause flooding after storms. To prevent an issue such as this from catching you off-guard, carry out inspections of your foundation throughout the year. You don’t have to do it every week, but completing a visual inspection at the beginning of each new season will help you stay up to date on the quality of your foundation’s flood protection. If you do spot any cracks in the foundation, use caulk or other types of sealant specifically for concrete to patch it up. If the damage is only a hairline crack, you shouldn’t worry too much, but anything wider requires immediate attention.

Have a Form of Backup Power

During heavy storms, there’s always a chance your home will lose power. To avoid being left in the dark for potentially hours, always have a form of backup power ready to go. Having a gas-powered backup generator will help you keep the lights on, the furnace working, the sump pump pumping, and the refrigerator running to keep your food safe. Not having a backup generator during a power outage can lead to hours in the dark while your food goes bad in the fridge and freezer. Plus, if your sump pump can’t do its job, it can lead to flooding in your basement.

Install Shutters on Windows and Doors

This is one of the best ways to protect your home from storm damage because high winds during a storm can send projectiles through glass doors and windows, causing cosmetic damage and injuries. An easy way to fix this is to install storm shutters on all windows as well as any glass sliding doors that projectiles can heavily damage. Just as with roofing materials, you can get aesthetically pleasing shutters that look nice and protect your property.