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5 Reasons Your Home Won’t Sell

It’s time to move on; you’ve listed your house and hope for a quick sale. Now it’s showing, and showing, and showing, and still there is no movement on it. Don’t get frustrated and do something drastic. Take a step and take a logical look at the situation and figure out what to do. The real estate agent is doing their part, the house is tidy and in a good neighborhood, and people are showing interest, just not enough to make an offer. So what gives? There are any number of reasons your home won’t sell, and we will touch on a few of them here.

It’s Dated Beyond Belief

Home buyers, especially first timers, want to have the latest and greatest of everything in their house. They don’t want to buy a house and then have to dump another $50k into it just to make it livable. They are looking at the bathroom, kitchen, carpet, and walls and deciding everything is out of date and not what they are looking for. Giving the house a little face-lift and bringing it in line with current trends will help it sell.

You’re Asking Too Much

There is the distinct possibility that you, or the real estate agent, have overestimated the value of the property. Setting the asking price of house is a delicate, subtle art, not an exact science. Set the price too low and you’ll get robbed; set it too high and there will be zero activity. Check the comps in the neighborhood and adjust the price to garner interest.

It Smells Weird

This is a real thing; people will judge the house on how it smells. A funky-smelling house will make potential buyers think there is something bigger wrong with it, and for good reason. A stale, damp smell is an indication of mold and moisture in the house, and that’s a headache a home buyer doesn’t want.

The Real Estate Market Is Awful

In the mid-2000s, houses sold at a dizzying rate and then a few years later, you couldn’t give a house away, and people were abandoning them. There is a good and a bad time to sell real estate, so if the market is down, you might have to take it off the market and wait a bit.

It Looks Gross from the Street

Curb appeal is huge when listing a house. If it looks awful from the street, why would anyone want to walk inside? Cleaning up the yard, getting rid of trash and junk, mowing the grass, and trimming trees all make the house look more appealing and will help it sell faster.